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989 Results from 2010

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

2010 - Consensus? We don't need no stinking consensus...

So, does anyone think 2010 was a really weird year? It didn't have the 'OMG! Western Capitalism is dead!' drama of 2008, nor the limping, walking wounded vibe of 2009. Hey, 2010 even saw the return of the Sibos closing party (ah-hem 'networking event') and I spotted a chocolate fountain at one Amsterdam venue. You know there's a little extra in th...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The role of technology in banking innovation

Ask a dozen bankers about the relationship between technology and innovation, and the answer will either be ‘inseparable friendship’ or ‘uneasy truce’.... or something to that effect. I have observed, and research confirms, that this polarised viewpoint is linked to market maturity. Almost without exception, banks around the world agree that IT is...

/sibos Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

On your marks for SEPA

The European Commission has today published proposals for the setting of end dates for the migration from legacy instruments to SEPA credit transfers and direct debits. It's taken a while but there has now been a ceremonial bowing to the inevitable. Full clarity on the subject has still not been achieved but this is indeed a significant step on the...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basel III: Trust the rules

Basel III is setting the precedence for re-establishing the rules, as a result of the fall out of the financial market post-2008. The key aspects – tighter rules for tier-one capital, higher ratios of tier-one capital in relation to risk-weighted assets, new borrowing ratio relative to tier-one capital, new liquidity provisions, and measures to ...

/regulation /sibos Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Is Basel III bad for finance?

The Basel III accord’s stated purpose is: This consultative document presents the Basel Committee's proposals to strengthen global capital and liquidity regulations with the goal of promoting a more resilient banking sector. The objective of the Basel Committee's reform package is to improve the banking sector's ability to absorb shocks arising fr...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

India and the Race to Financial Inclusion

I just returned from my annual trip to visit partners and customers in India. In one year I could see quite a difference in the infrastructure developments, but also how the pace has picked up in developing new banking services. The economy is expanding rapidly on an annual basis (8.9% in 2010), and growth is exceeded only by the economic powerho...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

A Social Strategy for Kiva - Part 2

In Part I of this post we blogged about how Kiva stands to benefit greatly by adopting a more social design and, more importantly, incorporating game-like mechanics to expand its user base and create a rich, engaging environment for lenders. On Friday, GamesBeat(VentureBeat) published a post on the trend in "gamification" of applications...

/payments /retail Finance 2.0

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Online Shoppers Concerned About Identity Theft

Shopping online is unquestionably more convenient and efficient than traditional commerce. But is it safer? We face risk everywhere we go. We risk car accidents on the way to the mall. Muggers and thieves present a risk. Heck, you risk catching a cold from a sniffling salesclerk! Similarly, shopping online creates another set of pitfalls, most of w...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Trader: social beast or lonely wolf?

At a time where Facebook could be seen as the 4th country on earth from the point of view of its “population”, how long will it be before social media reaches the trading floor? Of course, there are some very understandable hurdles which explain the reluctance financial firms have in adopting these tools. Security and confidentiality for example a...


Paul Blank

Paul Blank e-Trading Solutions at TradAir

New Bank consortium 'bank only' FX platform. Doomed to fail?

Recent press coverage (here) about top Global FX banks setting up a new ‘inter-bank’ only FX platform, dubbed “PureFX”. At first glance, this looks like a repeat of ‘doomed’ BrokerTec Consortium (set up in 1999 by 14 top banks, and sold to ICAP in 2004), where top Fixed Income Primary Dealers, who were concerned about level of brokerage being paid,...

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