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1068 Results from 2020

Prasoon Mukherjee

Prasoon Mukherjee Director | Head of Securities Services | GSC-India at Societe Generale Bank

BUSINESS AGILITY in Banks - A need for Structural Leadership Reorganization, plus looking beyond IT.

Ability and need to be nimble, like a blade of grass that bends to the waves of wind in any direction is possibly the right metaphor to use in comparing our ecosystem, in which we work that is notoriously volatile, and the demand therefore is to continuously adopt to change that is constant. Given this is same for all organizations, the ones that ...

/people /startups Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

How do Fintech businesses benefit from affiliate marketing programs?

Affiliate marketing programs are becoming more and more popular, especially with the global fintech sector. This performance-based marketing tool has proved itself as a great way for a business to reach the previously inaccessible consumer base, and expand the business’s outreach significantly. In order to cater to the growing demand of various i...

Marketing in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Accelerating bank and fintech collaboration through app partnerships

Consumers today expect convenience, personalization and choice from their financial service providers. As a result, financial institutions are under increased pressure to evolve and keep up with changing customer expectations. The World Fintech Report 2020 from Capgemini and EFMA revealed that 50% of consumers now say their financial services prov...

/retail /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Scott Raspa

Scott Raspa Head of Marketing at Hydrogen -

6 Examples Of Embedded Finance Changing The Future

Embedded finance is the future of the financial services industry. It’s the merging of a non-financial service provider, such as a retailer or ride-sharing company, with a financial service, such as payment processing, lending, or insurance. As embedded finance becomes more widespread, it can be helpful to examine some embedded finance examples to...

/payments /startups Embedded Finance

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

What does it really mean to be a challenger bank?

… and why does it matter to incumbents. Challenger banks are the world’s hottest start-up. Banking Tech suggests there are 102 challenger banks in the U.K. alone, three of which have achieved the “unicorn” status of being valued at over USD $1 billion. So, what’s all the fuss about? In this blog we go behind the scenes to better understand what ...

/retail /startups Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Sam Boboev

Sam Boboev COO & Co-Founder at Botcommerce

Russian style: fintech vs bigtech

As a person who is from a Central Asian country which is in close relation with Russia I have always used some kind of Russian made IT product. This applies to fintech products too, for example, among others Yandex.Money is one of the finance apps I use in my everyday life. Until recently Yandex and Sberbank another Russian company were closely coo...

/payments /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Jonathan Westley

Jonathan Westley Chief Data Officer, Experian UK & EMEA at Experian

Consumer contributed data: a welcome boost for credit scores

We all love a subscription. Whether that’s bingeing on the latest box set available on Netflix or Prime, or enjoying a craft ale from your monthly beer box – the popularity of these services have grown significantly over the last decade. In fact, recent research revealed that the UK spends over £550 a year on new subscription services and signs up...

/inclusion Personal Finance

Beni Hakak

Beni Hakak CEO at LiquidApps

Why interoperability and developer teamwork will make the DeFi dream work

For the better part of the 20th century, the financial world remained largely exclusive to only the upper classes and the wealthiest of people. Yet advancements in technology and social attitudes have created a new paradigm of financial inclusion. With the mass digitization of our world in the first few years of the 21st century, the once-excluded...

/inclusion /markets Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Payment Methods In Nordic Region: Cashless Future In Sight?

While the use of cash is on the rise all across the world, the experts persist in saying that it might be abandoned altogether in the near future. Moreover, the popular opinion is that the Nordic countries will be among the first ones to go completely cashless, and there is even a date predicted for this to occur - March 2023. However, are the ...


Arnaud Crouzet

Arnaud Crouzet Vice President Security & Consulting at FIME

A new vision of payments: What is the European Payments Initiative?

The newly-established European Payments Initiative promises a new vision of payments. Innovative use cases will be made available to consumers across Europe for the first time. There’s strong backing for the project already among financial institutions and the European Central Bank, making it likely to succeed. With the first phase due to start in...

/payments /regulation The future of Payments in Europe

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