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1270 Results from 2013

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile phones and King Canute

Because Dodd-Frank and MiFID are getting most attention on the compliance front from the financial markets community, that doesn’t mean that every country is doing what the USA and EU are doing or planning. One example is around the recording of dealings with customers. While the retail banking and payments sectors are looking at how they can res...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Overwhelming the network

January is always a difficult month, with many workers returning after a long Christmas break to hundreds of emails and the stress of the new business season. The financial sector faces no exception to this and is probably the industry that will be suffering the most in the coming weeks. To ensure all work is completed on time and to a good standa...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

If you read this, I will sue you

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL We share secrets with other people daily, from trivial "I've just heard that..." gossips to stuff like "My best friend's girlfriend is pregnant. By me." (LEGAL DISCLAIMER: [Insert a blob about "for illustration purposes only" and "forward-looking statement" here] - my friends are either...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Getting Relationship Pricing Right, with Neil Stanley

DN: Thanks for agreeing to the interview Neil. I know our readers will be very interested to hear your view on how banks can deliver more value to their customers through customer centric initiatives while increasing profitability. Let's start with relationship pricing. NS: Relationship pricing is not a new concept in general – to a varying degr...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Look, Ma, No Hands!

Finextra ran an article today about the UK banking sector "gearing up for the introduction of an industry-wide mobile payments". Which industry? There is no "payment" industry as such. Are we talking about banks? Or mobile operators? Or card schemes? The article stated that "the new service will enable secure payments to ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

CEOs 'Off the Rails'

They’re at the top of the tree, they have the POWER, they are paid huge salaries, bonuses and benefits yet we’ve seen a few instances recently where top CEOs have departed their companies in disgrace. So what makes these CEO’s do the things that they have done? I remember seeing a tv programme a number of years ago that was examining whether top ex...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Interchange Fees - It'll all end in Tiers!

If MasterCard’s analysis, published in their Insights paper 1Q2007, of the effects and outcomes of the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) intervention into Interchange Fees (ICFs) back in 2002 is to be taken at face value then the prospects for European consumers using payment cards, if MasterCard Europe’s final appeal of the 2007 EC decision on ICFs...


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Disruption Rocks! There are loads of jobs in ... Warrington

So, the UK has woken up to, yet another, casualty on its high street. While the US is still sobbing into their glucose monitors at the loss of Twinkies, the UK is waving goodbye to suburban town centre identikit stalwarts such as camera retailer Jessops and CD dispenser HMV. (Thank God for Starbucks and William Hill or I'd never be able to find my...

/retail Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Have a little sympathy for the Banks .... but not too much

The Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) mis-selling scandal that the UK banking industry is still paying for is forecast to be costing them somewhere in the region of £15bn. Is the value of premiums on mis-sold policies really as high as that, and why was mis-selling so rampant. In my time at a leading UK bank I actually had management responsibil...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Ministry of Mis-Information

Today whilst perusing the drivel that normally adorns my Facebook updates page I noticed that one of my "friends" was promoting/re-posting a photo of a spoof article regarding PIN Entry whilst being mugged - the old chestnut or urban legend that typing your PIN in backwards will somehow be magically interpreted by the Bank's systems and ...

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