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1148 Results from 2018

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II: Done and Dusted?

Deadline day for MiFID II implementation is here. But make no mistake – this package of EU directive and regulation will continue to have a significant impact throughout 2018. The impact of this EU package of rules will be so enormous on the markets and product providers that it’s likely that 2018 will be a voyage of discovery. For example, new di...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking - Winning Hearts and Minds

Winning the hearts and minds of the general public is likely to be an uphill struggle for the Open Banking community, based on public comments left on a recent BBC Open Banking article. Of the 47 comments at the time of writing, I counted one that was pro-Open Banking. Here are a selection of the comments; “You'll soon have an app on your mobile wh...

Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Storm in a tea cup

As Storm Eleanor literally howled across the UK last night I woke up wondering if it was some portent to today – Jan 3rd – MiFID II go-live day. But here I am, sat at my desk, and everything seems pretty normal. No one seems to expect huge volumes today though, as traders gently blip the throttles of their new MiFID compliant trading machines. But...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Humans and robots: the future of customer-centric banking

A recent report by the Future of Work Commission, chaired by deputy Labour party leader Tom Watson, made me reflect on how banks in the UK have dealt with the technological revolution of the last few years, and how they might fare in 2018, when the pace of change will undoubtedly quicken. Indeed, a mainstream newspaper covering the report ran th...

/regulation /retail Financial Risk Management

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Banking Disruption by PSD2 Takes User Experience Design to the Forefront

Throughout history, banking has remained a closed industry, monopolizing the majority of other financial services. Total digitalization has brought changes to the industry. FinTech gives users the right to choose an alternative. However, the PSD2 directive adopted in the European Union goes even further. It will disrupt the banking industry, compl...

Disruption in Retail Banking

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Predictions for the Payments industry in 2018: the global Remittances business

This is the fourth and final one of our four predictions for the Payments industry in 2018, and it is about the global Remittances business. We all know that this area has been badly hit by “de-risking”, and that the result of that has been the withdrawal by the big clearers in currency centres of correspondent banking services to the banks at the ...

/payments /inclusion Transaction Banking

Charmaine Oak

Charmaine Oak Co-Founder/Director at Shift Thought Ltd

Apple Pay Cash and the matter of trust

Over more than a decade now we have seen the launch of mobile wallets and prepaid cards, the high hopes for them and an often lukewarm response from the customer, followed by a phased withdrawal. I have myself been involved in a number of launches, in roles at many different parts of the payments, banking and money transfer ecosystem. There have b...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

AXA Fizzy - The New Kid On The Blockchain

I've been asked many times to write about my Blockchain experience. That is not strictly true. I've been asked only twice, most recently by a man in Mumbai, Maharashtra. How can I write about the Blockchain experience, I asked myself on the Deccan Queen returning to Pune, when most of the founders of the Blockchain companies are too busy writing wh...

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