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1013 Results from 2011

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Finance IT - figuring out the impact of regulatory change

Rather than scratching their heads (as a bank recently commented to us), IT teams could use regulation as a driver to delivery more accurate information. Especially in Finance IT which, as another bank mentioned, has sometimes been “very close-chested about [changes]…they often do, to my mind, very manual things that could easily be automated”.

Financial Risk Management

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Retired Member 

Charitable donations at ATMs - it's a nice idea in theory

I’m all for making it easier for people to do their bit for charity, so in theory the government’s idea of enabling charitable donations to be made when withdrawing cash at an ATM is a good one. The idea comes as part of David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ initiative and follows the lead of Colombia, which has a system of ATM giving that allows customer...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Democracy 15 - Evil Dictator 0

Wikileaks data along with a campaign led by Tunisian students and reinforced by the cyber individuals known and being anonoymous( #anonymous) has led to the overthrow of the Tunisian Dictator. I hear it is only the beginning, more countries to follow. Update: Reports are not confirmed at this stage but I bet it gave him a scare. Interior Minister s...

/regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Learning from the Past - A Note on Scenario Building

The other day, news broke in Switzerland that the government plans to hold a non-public consultation over the ever-rising Swiss Franc. This sparked a public debate about what the Swiss National Bank could do to stem the tide. While there is no point in me voicing an opinion about what should be done, let’s look what we can learn from this debate f...


Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

ZeusiLeaks Archives File 002: Alarm Bells

The holidays are over and it’s time for the second file plucked from the ZeusiLeaks Archives! If you missed the first one, it’s here. Quick reminder: WikiLeaks, the largest leak of data the world has seen? Nonsense! Trojans like Zeus lurk on millions of personal, corporate and government PCs, stealing data 24 by 7. Everything you do online – eith...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

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About new technology

When new technology gets launched we always think about how it will replace existing technology. Take Near Field Communication (NFC) chips for example and the replacement of bank cards by mobile phones with NFC chips. How will that work? Well, you walk around the shop, pick up the items you want to purchase, go to the cashier, they scan the items a...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Different Strokes for Different Folks!

Necessity is the mother of innovation! This tired old cliché was proved right by an Infosys-Asian Banker joint research study of 59 banks from 14 countries in the Asia Pacific region, which revealed that banks innovate mainly to beat severe market and regulatory challenges. However, the similarity ends there. The study highlighted that banks in di...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

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Australian floods make wikileaks looks like a trickle

Devastating floods in Queensland have continued to worsen and move towards the coast engulfing towns and cities in their path. Some towns located on mountain-tops experienced walls of water metres high cascading down the street suddenly without warning. Cars, and buildings were swept away in seconds. Many people are missing and a number killed. Re...

/regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SEPA as luxury car with only two first gears

About three month time ago I got parking ticket here in Belgium. Like every good citizen I paid my ticket. Because we live in the world of SEPA area, I went to my Finnish online bank and paid a ticket. Of course Belgium is one of those countries, where they have structured payment reference codes, which makes all the payments easier to automate in...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Online business

Ok, this is part of my agenda every day. I consult companies how to do better business online. My two major areas are online identification and online payments. First means in practice, how do you know your customer? There are several tools and practices how you can identify your customer, but my concern is how to know 100 % sure that this is the ...


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