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Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) - Is P only Public?

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) where in the digital services are offered to the citizens using the underlying digital goods and infrastructure. It is interoperable, enhancing the digital adoption, there by achieving the bigger goal of providing inclusive and transparent services. In short it is used as level playing field. At the bottom are

/wholesale /sustainable Sustainable compliance

Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Can digital currency sustain the test of technology and costs?

Generations over a period of time moved from a metallic currency to coins and then to paper notes which ultimately got legalized in the form of Cash (i.e. Govt printed bank notes) issued by the Central banks of the respective countries. That was continuing till this age and a breakthrough was brought in the form of bitcoins and Distributed ledger ...

/regulation /wholesale Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Who says elephants can’t dance?

There is this pandemic which has changed several equations. No doubt there is a need to be more and more digital to ensure resiliency. While this started long back in retail banking and is also now reaching the maturity stage, what comes as a surprise for me is the way the corporate banking is transitioning. This has started even before covid has ...

/payments /wholesale Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Safety nets on the Cloud Highway

Safety nets on the Cloud Highway Whatever could be the reason, worldwide cloud enabled banking transformations has picked pace at an unprecedented speed. Evidence is everywhere like the raise of Opex models, higher share of SAAS offerings, Digital only branches, and usage of Multi tenancy etc. So is also the raise of leakages and the attacks on th...

/security /cloud

Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

COVID vs HUMANoidS: 'Your enemy’s enemy is your friend'

The whole world is fighting against Covid. The once so intimidating robots suddenly seem to be the new found friends in this battle for a safe Earth. Now all those critics who thought robots are threat to life are re-thinking, when they see these machines move around to deliver medicine, check vitals, disinfect premises and even conduct tests. We ...

/retail /covid-19

Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

IOT: Adds life to things

I vaguely remember reading about classification as living and non-living things in my childhood days, but now with IOT, we can visualize redefining them, and comfortably say, I can have a chair that communicates, shoes that connect to a network, door lock that can sense me walking close by. This technology enables the things around you to sense, c...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Platform and Hybrid Business Model: Future Game changers

Peter Drucker – “A business model is supposed to answer who your customer is, what value you can create/add for the customer and how you can do that at reasonable costs.” Business model is the heart of a business strategy. Over a period of years, business models have evolved from simple product manufacturing and selling to complex online market pla...

Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Cloud native vs. Cloud agnostic What conundrum behind the hype

Speed seems to be the imperative behind digital. Service Providers and customers seem to race with each other in this digital space. We can see huge, successful solution providers moving from rigid monolithic structures to loosely coupled service based architectures. Cloud based solutions together with API-based communication and container-centric...


Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

The Future ART Augmented Reality Technology in Banking

I still remember seeing science fiction movies in my child hood where suddenly a 3D display would emerge from nowhere followed by some quick actions. I always thought it was fiction until I read about the Augmented Reality technology. Although this technology debuted in 1968, it came to common man’s notice only with Google Glass in 2014. This was ...


Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Building analytics culture for all

Knowingly or unknowingly, we all do analysis and decision making in our daily lives. It could be deciding whether to hit the gym, which doctor to go to, which school to put your kid in and even for that matter whether to reward a bonus to your maid or not. The only difference when it comes to corporate life, we somehow are trained into the habit o...


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