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Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

How Much Should Companies Invest In Their Marketing Spend?

Milan Cundera once declared, "Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation." Even though ongoing studies demonstrate a higher Return On Investment (ROI) with investing in Marketing, businesses often neglect this critical component of their operation to focus on Innovation alone. Investing in both is essential for maintainin...

/startups /markets Financial Inclusion

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

eCommerce Customers Pain Points and Their Tech Solutions

Online shopping is set to take over the retail space, like how mobility has replaced desktops. According to Statista, e-commerce will account for 22% of retail sales globally, doubling within the next five years. But the actual prospect of online retail is more significant than this, but some customer pain points are checking the galloping growth ...

/startups /markets Business Knowledge for IT

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

Cost to Build Fintech App Using React Native

What makes React Native so popular as a front-end development option for Fintech app projects? This is a common question that has appeared on Google in recent years. There is a multitude of reasons behind the popularity of React Native. Still, when it comes to Fintech app development, the technology offers more competitive value propositions than ...

/devops /startups Business Knowledge for IT

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

Cost of developing Expense Tracking App for the Fintech Industry

You must have heard of expense-tracking apps already. They bring the latest trend of managing personal finances through mobile apps. It is increasingly getting popular as an app category now. So, ready to jump into the bandwagon of expense-tracking apps? Are you concerned about the development cost of such apps? Well, expense-tracking apps, in te...

/people /startups Business Knowledge for IT

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

How Innovative Fintech Startups can Find Investment?

Fintech representing the technology-driven financial industry, largely drives the modern financial and banking industry. Because of this, any new startup with a unique idea of streamlining financial services opens up a level-playing field to join the booming Fintech bandwagon. You know, many banking success stories were shaped by the Fintech revol...

/people /startups Banking and Lending Solutions

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

Key Learning to Build Fintech App For Startup

The worldwide digital transformation enabled every industry to target a wider customer base on a global scale and helped improve customer service and support to never-before proportions. This is particularly visible in the case of the financial industry. The penetration of technology for banking, insurance, investment, and other financial segments...

/people /startups Business Knowledge for IT

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

How to Use ML and AI in the Fintech Industry?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its subset technology, machine learning (ML), no longer represent some futuristic innovations. From appearing as frequent tech buzzwords less than a decade ago, they have become integral to how AI and ML tech innovations are shaped across the digital landscape. Driving innovations in certain industries, such as Fin...

/security /people Business Knowledge for IT

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

How to Find Your Developer Resources to Create an App?

The mobile app development industry has been booming despite sustained growth for over a decade. Businesses, irrespective of niches and sizes, are all out to shape their mobile footprint with a dazzling and engaging app. How to make an app with the least effort without compromising quality and business objectives? You can always choose a mobile ap...

/people /startups Business Knowledge for IT

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

Developing Mobile App for A Fintech Startup

For years financial institutions and companies are utilizing several states of the art technologies for meeting the needs of their clients. These technologies shaping financial solutions are now referred to as fintech. From traditional mobile banking apps to sophisticated financial or investment planners, there are several different types of finte...

/devops /startups Business Knowledge for IT

Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

Fintech Development Tech Stack in 2022

FinTech is the widely used term denoting all the technologies, tools and software apps facilitating financial transactions and management. From simple mobile banking apps to investment and stock apps to insurance apps to payment gateways and mobile wallets to cryptocurrencies, all come under the broad umbrella term of fintech. The global FinTech ...

/people /markets Fintech

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