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Eli Talmor

Can we save DeFi from being Centralized?

DeFi - Addressing the Limitations of Traditional Finance. DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, aims to tackle several problems users face with traditional financial systems: Limited Access: Traditional fin...

03 Jul 2024
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Eli Talmor

E-Commerce on social media and Fraud Prevention.

Introduction. Many people and businesses sell products through social media platforms. It's a common practice and can be quite successful. To get started, you'll typically need to create a business pr...

15 Sep 2023
Eli Talmor

$500 Billion Problem Seeking for a Solution.

Let me start with an innocent question: Is it expected that someone buys Airline Ticket for somebody else? Yes, it is standard practice for someone to buy an airline ticket for somebody else. People o...

18 Aug 2023
Alternative Investments
Eli Talmor

Innovating in Escrow for Wholesale Payments- Keeping the Benefits while Eliminating Risks.

What are the benefits of using bank escrow services? Using bank escrow services can provide several benefits, including: Security: One of the primary benefits of using an escrow account is that it pr...

02 May 2023
Fintech innovation and startups
Eli Talmor

If You Are a CASP or Own Unhosted Crypto Wallet - You Should Read This!

Before we deep dive into the problem - let me introduce a few topics. About hosted crypto wallets A hosted wallet, also known as a custodial wallet, is a type of cryptocurrency wallet where the privat...

25 Apr 2023
Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services
Eli Talmor

On Libra , regulation and financial- crime prevention.

On July 29 , 2019 Facebook has issued a warning in the investors report, that Libra digital currency may never see the light of day: In the risk factors section of the report, Facebook said it recogn...

02 Aug 2019
Blockchain Observations

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