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Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

The Only Way for Banking to Survive Digital Disruption Is an Experience Mindset Implementation

We are witnessing how digital technology disrupts the financial industry. Placing the focus on customer expectations and behavior completely changes the rules of the game ─ something that new technology implementation is not achieving for everyone. Why? We believe it’s because of a lack of an Experience mindset. The digital age has had a drastic i...

Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Do Not Forget About The User Experience When Choosing a Digital Banking Vendor

The digitalization of the banking industry is rising, especially due to ready-to-use digital banking solutions provided by IT vendors. But are these solutions really best for their users? What threats can appear for the financial industry in the future and how to avoid them? We have been actively working with online banking software vendors and b...

Digital Banking Trends

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

UX Design Guide: 7 Steps to Make Digital Banking Service or Fintech Product Simple

Each year technology makes the world more complex for people to understand. So, easy-to-use services for consumers are in particularly great demand. Due to the nature of the human mind: it is vital to perceive the world in a simple way. Any financial service can get an advantage by delivering a perfect user experience based on a simple interface. ...

/retail /devops Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

How Digital Banking Can Meet Young Customers’ Expectations to Survive in the Age of Disruption

In recent years there has been growing a discussion on the ability of traditional businesses to adapt their services to the expectations of customers born after 1980. What should traditional businesses consider in order to offer a service that will meet younger generation requirements? Can the banks stay in their domain in the future, or will they...

Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Banking Disruption by PSD2 Takes User Experience Design to the Forefront

Throughout history, banking has remained a closed industry, monopolizing the majority of other financial services. Total digitalization has brought changes to the industry. FinTech gives users the right to choose an alternative. However, the PSD2 directive adopted in the European Union goes even further. It will disrupt the banking industry, compl...

Disruption in Retail Banking

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Ten Years of iPhone Success: What Could Banks Learn From Nokia’s Fall?

This year, Apple celebrates ten years since the iPhone launch. We can all agree that it changed the world in which we live. But, ten years ago, just a few months after the presentation of the iPhone, Forbes appeared with the title on the cover: "Nokia. One billion customers - can anyone catch the cell phone king?" Nobody was expecting wh...

/retail /markets Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

User Experience Design and Behaviour Psychology Can Grow FinTech and Banking Products Sales

Every day, millions of people, both offline and online, do not make their desired purchases. Unfortunately, financial services is no exception. Let's try to figure out how businesses lose prospective customers who are willing and ready to pay for goods and services and how you can prevent this to grow your sales. Many years ago, I drastically ch...

/retail /devops Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Why User Experience Engineering is a Must in Financial Industry

The essence of user experience engineering There are millions of problems customers face every day. Any successful business starts with a solution-to-solve problem, but not every solution is usable enough to help customers. Service interface design ensures digital solution usability by matching solutions with user needs and psychology. Actually in...

/retail /predictions Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

To Survive in User-Centered Economy, Financial Services Have to Deliver a Perfect User Experience

Some experts fear that the sharing economy will destroy a traditional capitalism with its global corporations, banks, and supply chain. For instance, Uber — a simple service to search private drivers — that practically destroyed the licensed taxi labor market and led to mass taxi drivers’ strikes in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and London. Sh

/startups Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

How FinTech Affects Banks by Betting on User Experience?

Bill Gates said that banking will always be needed, but banks as we know could easily disappear. And FinTech is all about winning changes and everyday finance improvements. In 2015 venture capitalists raised $19.1 billion USD to support FinTech revolution. With the five biggest banks controlling nearly $15 trillion in assets, FinTech’s $19.1 billi...

/retail /startups Innovation in Financial Services

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