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Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Contactless payments make prime time TV debut

Contactless payment technology is getting a big push in the UK courtesy of Barclays, which has started running a prime-time TV advertising campaign. The ad features an office drone travelling home from work in a giant water slide, picking up groceries on the move and passing through payment tolls by waving his card at a reader. It's been an undergo...

/payments Video extravaganza

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Lehman's IT legacy

Lehman Brothers ran its operations through a worldwide network of 26,666 servers and employed an IT department comprising some 6000 staff. This technological legacy has created some interesting operational challenges for the administrators charged with overseeing its affairs, as this SEC filing from restructuring experts Alvarez & Marsal makes...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

State Street CEO shows his expense management savvy

If State Street CEO Ron Logue is serious about his new expense management programme, he might first want to start with the annual salary and severance package of none other than...Ron Logue. The CEO of the Boston-based financial conglomerate pocketed no less than $27 million in total compensation last year. What's more, if the firm gets taken over ...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

SEB's Benche beats market downturn

SEB's Benche project fits squarely into the new model Web 2.0 world as an open community platform where trade finance professionals can participate in discussions threads and ask questions of experts and other members. The Benche gets it name from the benches used by Italian merchant bankers in the great grain markets, which became centres for hol...

/payments Finance 2.0

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Low-tech innovation in the ATM comfort zone

A New Zealand woman has come up with a novel low-cost solution to shoulder-surfing at ATMs. Beach Haven-based Sharon Stamper is the brains behind the yellow lines that are now a standard fixture in all Taranaki Savings Bank ATMs. The former "fulltime mother" told the Stuff Web site that the security line creates a "comfort or securi...

/security /retail

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

The bank branch - weakest link or saving grace?

This blog recently expressed the view that, in these days of financial turmoil, banks should reposition their branch networks as a means to reinject the personal service ethos to high street banking and see off the threat from online start-ups and outsiders like supermarkets. (The bank manager versus the Web 2.0 widget) It seems I'm not alone. Se...

/retail Finance 2.0

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Welcome to the Truthpod

The Truthpod is an anonymous online polling booth in Australia that has been set up to find out what people really think about their bank. Respondents are invited to "just tell it like it is". So far 2535 have taken the poll and the majority are most upset about bank fees. The pod closes with a teaser message "Thanks for telling it ...

/retail Finance 2.0

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

HSBC on the value of IT

One HSBC is a scheme that aims to move 55 core banking systems, 24 credit card systems, 41 internet banking systems, 40 desktop standards and five unique trading rooms on to one global platform by 2011. Three years in and the $1 billion project is already paying for itself. Finextra issued a progress report back in August. In an interview with Co...

/retail /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Phishers lick lips as FSA spams Icesave account holders

The UK's Financial Services Compensation Scheme is doing its bit to keep the phishing industry in business by sending e-mails to customers of defunct Internet bank Icesave advising them to log-on to their accounts and claim compensation. The first batch of e-mails went out Monday, and customers are already complaining that the mails are being swep...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

It was Lehman wot won it

Gallup opinion poll data from September shows clearly the impact of the financial crisis on the wavering fortunes of presidential candidates McCain and Obama. Have a look at the chart below. Obama first drew level with McCain on 15 Sepember, the day the news broke about the bankruptcy filing by Lehman Brothers. As the crisis rumbled on, McCain fail...


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