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Prasenjit Das

Prasenjit Das Senior Director at Virtusa

Mobile Banking - The' Biggest of Bank Branches' supplementing the hunger for technology for one segment and the need for a bank for the other

HSBC's oldest customer to download its banking app was 108 years old!!! FDIC says that “In terms of technological change, there is little evidence that the emergence of new electronic channels for delivering banking services has substantially diminished the need for traditional branch offices where banking relationships are built."It does sta...


Prasenjit Das

Prasenjit Das Senior Director at Virtusa

Social Media Banking - Balancing challenges and opportunities is the way forward

The figures below would indeed be very tempting to not only make a case for social media banking but to jump to the conclusion that social media is the future of banking .Take the case of Facebook with over a billion monthly active users, YouTube is close behind with 800m unique visits per month and Twitter has been growing fast but is still at th...


Prasenjit Das

Prasenjit Das Senior Director at Virtusa

Why delay in Volcker rule may not be unreasonable ?

The Federal Reserve delayed by two years compliance with the Volcker rule that bans them from betting with their own money through investments in risky hedge and private equity funds. However the delay did not affect the ban on proprietary trading, which Banks’ must stop by July 21, 2015. Acting under the provisions contained in section 619


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