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Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

Waiting for the sun to set on LIBOR or being proactive? See regulation as an opportunity for change

Document remediation projects are not new. Anyone working in Capital Markets in recent years can probably describe the steps involved as they tend to be similar each time. Recent battle scars in the derivatives world include Uncleared Margin Reform (UMR) where large volumes of derivatives documents had to be amended – first for variation margin ...

/ai /regulation Banking Regulations

Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

The future of financial contract documentation

The legal industry is ripe for an injection of modern technology and that has not gone unnoticed by myriad start-ups all vying to bring the revolution. Creating better ways of doing things is often the easy part; the culture shift required for adoption is much harder, particularly when dealing with a profession steeped in tradition. The question be...

/ai /regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

Margin reform for uncleared derivatives: ensure you build on solid foundations

The upcoming regulations for uncleared derivatives have banks with large concentrations of contracts facing a daunting re-papering task. Help is at hand from a number of full-service vendors, law, process and technology partnerships offering to manage everything from contacting counterparties to drafting, renegotiating and providing data on the ...


Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

FinTech in the cloud: are Industry Utilities the new reality?

Industry utilities are fast becoming the new reality in the post financial crisis banking arena, with Know Your Client (KYC) and Collateral Management initiatives already in progress. The main driver behind this utility model is improved operational efficiency and the associated cost savings, yet many large financial institutions have yet to brea...


Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

Financial contract data capture - thought you were done, well think again!

In early March the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a consultation paper outlining draft regulatory standards for the minimum set of data that institutions should hold on their contracts within the European Union. Rather than requiring a few scant details that can easily be covered off by any in-flight programmes to patch-up data, the dr...


Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

Small Data - it's not Big...but it is clever

Natural language document processing of counterparty contracts sounds like another Big Data problem, but at its heart this is really about very ‘Small Data’. Banks are interested in a solution to assist with initiatives ranging from regulatory reform through to more competitive pricing, but most continue to grapple with this superficially simple c...


Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

The 'million dollar spreadsheet'

Much has been written about the pressures on banks in a highly regulated post-crisis market. Less discussed are the myriad of operational challenges that have since emerged, creating new layers of complication. Added to this, political and institutional bad news stories continue to send ripples through the sector, prompting banks to assess the man...


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