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James Smith

James Smith MD at Dsruptiv Ltd

What might a Labour government mean for Fintech and Payments in the UK?

A Labour government in the UK could have significant implications for the Fintech and Payments sectors. Key areas that might be affected include changes to the finance landscape, financial services policy, regulation and oversight, innovation, competition, financial inclusion, international positioning, digital infrastructure and education. Here’s...

/payments /startups Fintech

James Smith

James Smith MD at Dsruptiv Ltd

500 days of tumbleweed - why is the FCA ignoring small businesses?

It has now been 500 days since the consultation period closed on 18 March 2016 for FCA Discussion Paper DP15/7 "Our approach to SMEs as users of financial services." At present, the provision of financial services to small businesses in the UK is largely unregulated. In many cases, firms can't even appeal to an ombudsman if they have been...

/regulation /retail Financial Services Regulation

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