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Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

Is Banking now a Commodity Service?

If you happen to notice of late, all banks now have been relegated to a commodity status. It doesn't matter which bank you want to do business with, you will find that all of these banks offer very similar services, with very similar fees. We can use our ATM cards on the ATM machines of any bank. All banks offer internet banking, some easier to u...

/retail Finance 2.0

Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

Relevance of Banking - Financial economy to Network Economy

Can banks transform themselves to remain relevant both in the financial economy and for the network economy? Traditionally, the role of the banks have been to be collect money from people who have money, aggregate the same and loan out the money to people who needed it. The banks were needed as there was no way that people who had money could know ...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

Crowd funding and Banking

There has been a consistent growth in the number of Crowd-funding platforms all around the world. This is quite understandable given that they address a niche segment of the market that no other financial system has been able to address well. Some of these crowd funding platforms are now moving from crowd-funding (in lieu of kind & merchandis...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

When Banking is No Longer Just About Banking

Fifth Third Bank and NextJob came together to address a challenge faced by most retail banks - Mortgage defaults. According to the press release from the company, Steven Alonso, executive vice president and head of Fifth Third Bancorp says - "Up to half of mortgage delinquencies are due to job loss. With NextJob, we immediately recognized an o...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

Customer engagement in a digital era

There have been reports that the overall customer engagement at banks for customers using one of the digital channels like Online banking, mobile banking, etc. One of the most important aspect of customer engagement, is in fact engagement. You need to continuously engage with your customers through out their journey with you. This implies that you...


Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

Idea for disruptive innovation in Banks

There is a lot of discussions and activities around the revival of the good old ATM. Some are trying to make these machines more user centric like Wells Fargo. Some are trying to improve the overall user experience of the ATM like Diebold. However, the true question should be the following: "Do we even need an ATM? Is there a better, eas...

Innovation in Financial Services

Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

Retailer Credit Card - possible engine of growth for banks

Farmers in India are offered Kisan Credit Cards to provide adequate and timely support from the banking system to the farmers for their short-term credit needs. The banking industry can take a clue from this and introduce a retailer credit card for exclusive use by small-time retailers to pay to their suppliers. The idea: Banks to offer small r...


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