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Keith Bear

Trade Wars- Blockchain style

Coindesk’s recent article "Banks taking sides" covers the current race to market for competing trade finance initiatives and makes many valid observations on the current situation but also...

26 Jul 2018
Blockchain Observations
Keith Bear

The 7 bank commitment to blockchain has many implications not just for trade finance but for the evo

Last week’s announcement by the seven bank Digital Trade Chain Consortium is another strong indication that the “peak hype” discussions around blockchain are somewhat misplaced. This blockchain networ...

05 Jul 2017
Capital Markets Technology
Keith Bear

How will regulation impact the development of blockchain technology ?

Jessi Baker, the Founder and CEO of Provenance, recently said: “At its heart, a blockchain is a system that allows people who don’t trust each other, to trust each other.” There is no doubt that blo

06 May 2017
Fintech innovation and startups
Keith Bear

DTCC Selection of IBM, Axoni and R3 Points to Blockchain Maturity

This week's announcement that DTCC has selected IBM, in partnership with Axoni, to build a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) version of their Trade Information Warehouse (TIW) is a flagship event in...

09 Jan 2017
Keith Bear

We Need Consensus on the Best Approach to Consensus

As has been noted elsewhere, the Hyperledger project is experiencing spectacular adoption and growth as the combined benefits of a permission blockchain fabric grounded in open source and open governa...

27 Sep 2016
Keith Bear

Groucho Marx and MiFID II

Whilst Groucho and MiFID may not normally be associated in the same sentence, the proposed European Parliament amendment activity going on around MiFID II may make Groucho's observation that: 'Politic...

24 Jun 2012
Keith Bear

Are the clouds clearing?

Cloud models in wholesale financial services continue to get a lot of press, but fewer public references regarding value delivered, than you might expect for what many perceive as such a big game chan...

18 Oct 2010
Keith Bear

Frankie does VaR

On perusing an email from Lepus some weeks ago I was struck by the title of one piece of their research "VaR, what is it good for!" Having been involved in working with several banks on mark...

01 Dec 2008
Keith Bear

Peek at Peak Oil

Apparently, according to, oil companies won't be building any new refineries as the ~20-year ammortisation means there won't be enough oil to refine in that timescale. No new refinery ha...

30 Sep 2008

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