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Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

CNBC - Will Your Wallet Soon Become a Historic Relic?

Given the recent discussions on the Starbucks Payment App and emerging NFC I thought this interview with myself and Omar Green (Intuit, Director of Strategic Mobile Initiatives) by Lori Ann Lorocco at CNBC might be of interest... Will the wallet soon be a thing of the past? At the rate mobile banking apps are being adopted, who knows. Intuit annou

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Let's get rid of Internet Banking...

If you think about the way we have digital banking and web presence structured today, it is actually wrong. Most banks today already have a well developed 'public' presence in the form of www site, and a separate 'secure' portal as a transaction or services platform "behind the login" - normally called "Internet Banking". The p...

/retail Online Banking

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Starbucks Mobile App - Payments reinvented

On Wednesday 26th of January 2011, Michael Degnan (of SapientNitro and Engagement Banking fame) and myself headed down to the Starbucks at One Penn Plaza in New York City with the objective of recording our experience of processing a mobile payment using the Starbucks App for the iPhone. The App links your phone to your pre-paid Starbucks card to ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Too much information - dealing with exponential content

There has been much discussion about the impact of the so-called "information age". Prior to 2003 it has been said that throughout history mankind had generated a sum total of 5 Exabyte’s of content up to that year. Today it is estimated we generate this amount of content measured in days. “Between the birth of the world and 2003, there ...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Banks still don't get mobile, but neither do researchers...

I read with interest a post pointed out to me by @JenRBoyd posted on Mobile Commerce Daily highlighting a recent Celent report comparing US and EU investment in multi-channel. The problem here is that the conclusions of the report are correct, but even the report itself suffers from an old-school view of the banking arena, that is, we are still as...

/payments /retail Finance 2.0

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

A Start-up Boom for the Finance Sector?

In 2010 we had a bunch of innovative ideas become mainstream and start to impact the banking arena (for a full coverage see my post in Huffington.) However, 2011 promises to be more disruptive because as the economy finally starts to warm up, we'll be seeing a lot of new private equity investment into start-ups in the finance arena. A new dot com ...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

The Top 14 innovations in the banking arena for 2010

2010 was a bumper year for innovations in the retail banking and payments space. Below are some of the top innovations this year. Let me know how you rank these in respect to their ability to be real game changers for the banking arena. Which innovations do you think will survive on, and which will flame out? My big bet for 2011 is NFC (Near-Field

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Is Basel III bad for finance?

The Basel III accord’s stated purpose is: This consultative document presents the Basel Committee's proposals to strengthen global capital and liquidity regulations with the goal of promoting a more resilient banking sector. The objective of the Basel Committee's reform package is to improve the banking sector's ability to absorb shocks arising fr...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Lucky to be a customer? Not at Metro bank

I met yesterday with the inimitable Vernon Hill, founder of Metro Bank, and with Metro's Chairman and co-founder, Anthony Thomson. It is interesting to hear Hill's view of why Metro is able to dominate in respect to the 'customer service' space in the UK branch market. Hill postulates that despite many banks rhetoric around being customer centered...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

What Wikileaks means for the Finance Sector

The major news feeds of the world are buzzing with the arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in London today. Assange was arrested based on an extradition request from the Swedish government, issued last week. Swedish authorities had issued the warrant for Assange so they can talk to him about sex-crime allegations supposedly unrelated to Wi...

/security /payments

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