13 Results from 2015
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
The technology explosion is making so many new far reaching opportunities visible that new challenges have appeared or old ones have become even more challenging. The first that many of us meet in our innovation work is the difficulty to choose between exponentially growing alternatives. The second one is to get our audience to understand that de
12 November 2015 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Banks in Finland had signed up 217 000 enterprises for sending e-invoices - and 234 000 for receiving at the end of 2014. Corresponding potential for EU: 15,7 and 16,8 million. 3,9 million consumers were signed up for receiving e-invoices. Corresponding EU-potential 280,8 million. The number of e-banking contracts exceeds the population in Finlan...
18 August 2015 Innovation in Financial Services
e-banking customers in Finland used their e-banking passwords 56,2 million times to log in to public sector and other non-banking services last year. Up from 47,1m. Finland is a small country - so it may be useful to multiply into a corresponding EU-potential = 4 billion times. Does this save tax payers' money? Does it save citizens nerves? Oh ye...
03 June 2015 Innovation in Financial Services
And no private customers either - just human customers in several roles. A legal person has btw never done anything. So remember this when you create services. Same user experience across roles - and across services. Primary example is to allow use of e-banking codes as ID in other services that need a strong e-id - and then use them also for signi...
03 June 2015
One picture says it all.
12 May 2015 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Service to person - proactively suggesting (big data aided) things to do (and for receivers to accept in mobile phones and other devices) is an important step. But automated service to service is on obvious area to target already now.
08 May 2015 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Very topical blogpost here: http://perspectives.tieto.com/blog/2015/03/challenge-blog-post-real-time-economy/
05 April 2015 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Never has there been more opportunities to build new ecosystems and infrastructures - and interconnect them. A very interesting aspect in this work is to see how one new or improved ecosystem is acting as a lever for other ecosystems. Examples: - payments for e-banking, - e-banking for e-id, e-id for e-signatures - e-banking for e-invoicing, e-invo...
28 March 2015 Innovation in Financial Services
Taking the previous blog forward - asking myself questions - and moving the horizontal slider to the right when considering an issue important (in this case for banks) - and the vertical slider up when being surer. 1. Is the stable and cheap funding created by transaction accounts (private & corporate) important (full score for most banks)? H...
04 February 2015 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
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