16 Results from 2013
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
It is a wellknown fact that the capability of IT is doubling in relation to its cost every year. It seems to be less wellknown what it means when something huge is doubling and doubling and.. (Ray Kurzweiler knows) for enterprises, the public sector and national economies. For European enterprises - struggling with both cost and service capability...
19 October 2013 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
According to the Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier: "Ensuring that public administrations in the EU are modern and efficient is a priority for the European Commission. Switching to e-procurement, and particularly to E-Invoicing, can bring significant savings and make life easier both for the governments and for the...
30 August 2013 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Steady progress
14 June 2013 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Observations: 1. the public sector is the main user of banks e-id services and the growth continues as bank e-id also can be used for electronic signatures 2. e-commerce transactions are real time payments and showed very good growth in 2012
Observations: 1. banks have signed up 230 000 enterprises (mostly for b2b) - almost all active ones in the country 2. volumes grew very fast in 2012 but will accelerate this year
Observations: 1. 5,4 m citizens have made 5,8 m e-banking contracts (pay for the service to two banks in many cases) 2. transactions continue to grow fast
Recent posts: Apr 2013 Why us reuse to difficult? 403 views Mar 2013 Cutting admin cost in half - video 1110 23 Feb 2013 Virgin territory 1987 22 Feb 2013 Is SME-sector competitiveness important? 2254 18 Feb 2013 The biggest ever revolution in banking a... 5072 some way to go to beat 2009 posted: 27 Apr 2009 Questions European tax payers should a...
08 April 2013 Innovation in Financial Services
Most countries have established e-society strategies aiming at ao providing public sector services via the Internet. Progress has generally been fast with general information sharing - but when it comes to private information (health, tax, social benefits, school records etc) - not to talk about signing documents - progress is generally stopped
http://youtu.be/Kb3q2viAbbk Great vision. Decent preacher. If you do not know where you are going, any road will do. Or even worse - nobody is going anywhere.
13 March 2013 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
A lot of time and effort has been spent on automating manufacturing and logistics in large companies. Less has been spent on their administrative processes. Automation of SME administration and government reporting still appears as virgin territory. More https://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=7407 As the SME sector stand for some 65% ...
23 February 2013 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
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