13 Results from 2015
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
I have the privilige to act as chairman for a young company http://www.zef.fi/en/home/ The company's WHY - mission - is very clear: helping people to make decisions - better decisions - all over the place. There is an exponentially growing need for this as the information overflow continues to grow exponentially. So does the number of devices, apps...
01 February 2015 Innovation in Financial Services
Change in human behavior - to be precise. Only when the next person is changing his/her behavior does innovation actually materialize. This is probably too self evident. Also that change is both enabled and driven by exponentially more capable IT. We need something to change into. Simplified - experienced - roadmap: 1. Create service or tool that ...
10 January 2015 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
There is a fair chance that structured e-invoicing (not e-mailed pdfs) will get close to 100% at least in Finland this year. Then I mean share of enterprises that use e-invoicing more or less. The reason for this optimism is: 1. There are some 300 000 enterprises - and service providers have signed up close to 350 000 (banks have the lions share of...
03 January 2015 Innovation in Financial Services
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