74 Results from 2010
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Looking back – some of the most viewed posts: On EU: Questions European Tax Payers should ask: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=2815 A digital Single Market – why and how?: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=4497 The future of Direct Debit – e-invoicing with standing order: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/full...
30 December 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Support for implementation of first global ISO-standard is starting to appear - also in Russia. And by SWIFT: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/f9ecbbbc#/f9ecbbbc/1 It so makes sense for countries that have not yet created dominating local standards to go directly for the global one (we are all heading for it anyway). Why waste time – a lot of t...
10 December 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Jones blogged about cash. We managed to eliminate private cheques in Finland in 1983 by putting a charge (8c) on the cheque forms (picked up or mailed). At the same time there was a big drive for debit cards and this lead to a very positive negative trend for cash already then. Another positive effect was that the debit card could be used for ...
08 December 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Translating part of a Facebook note by Liisa Jaakonsaari (MEP - Finnish Social Democrat): "The crisis in Europe is not because of EU or the Euro. Rather it can be said that EU and the euro are innocent victims. Bad guys are unregulated and irresponsible financial markets. Blaming the banks is becoming a rather worn issue and does not always hi...
08 December 2010 /retail /wholesale Whatever...
The EU-commission asked the Expert Group on e-Invoicing to come up with a standard for Europe – a global one. Now it has been delivered. The global standard has now been published. Much asked for, high quality and capability – should be deployed as soon as possible. More here: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=4693 and www.i
07 December 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
In the late 80s there was a big growth boom in Finland - fuelled ao by ending tax break on profits on selling enterprises and strong credit expansion when the savings banks (inexperienced corporate lenders) were deregulated and started to aggressively push into foreign currency lending. All this new liquidity tried to find safe havens - stock pric...
07 December 2010 /retail /wholesale Whatever...
http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/ict/files/com712_en.pdf most here: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:52010DC0712:EN:NOT Loud and clear. It all starts with migration away from printing on paper or sending PDFs. Then it is easy to automate accounting, VATprocesses (and collect the missing part) etc. Enjoy the read
02 December 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
If we want avoid a clear fall in living standards and financing capability of welfare services in EU - we need better productivity and just collection of lower taxes. The split payment VAT is an ideal model for both purposes. From EU document: "28. The benefits of the model are great, as the tax authority can be sure that it will receive
From EU Green Paper on VAT: "The current collection model brings with it a VAT Gap due to e.g. VAT fraud, insolvencies, mistakes by the taxable persons in the VAT return and VAT avoidance schemes. Desk research shows that the VAT Gap for 2009 can be cautiously estimated at 6,9% of GDP and 12% of total VAT liability in the EU-27. This means ...
I just got a message from Finextra stating that the 1/4 million milestone has been passed (in two years). I am very grateful to all who have taken the trouble to view posts and to Finextra for bringing us together. My mission is to further development in the networked economy - contribute to new concepts, standards, collaboration, competition, tran...
18 November 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
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