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Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

The API opportunity and how to successfully innovate in payments

APIs are one of the most talked about topics in the industry. They present a new way of working which can speed up development and increase the amount of features and applications available to new product development teams, as well as exposing services to partners, and even in some cases competitors. I believe that APIs are going to be among the k...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

Rethink your approach to launching new technology

I wonder how many people would agree with the statement that ‘testing is more important than it used to be.’ There are very few people in the payments industry who would argue against the value of testing but there is good reason to put more consideration into how you test new technology and migrations. Up to now, testing has almost always been a ...

/payments /retail Business Knowledge for IT

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

How to migrate systems with total confidence

A combination of ‘big data analytics’ and ‘distributed ledger technology’ could help financial institutions combat escalating levels of financial crime. This is the view of the FCA, the UK’s financial regulator. Andrew Bailey, the CEO, has a clear view on what should happen over the coming years: “If ever there was an area that strikes me as ripe ...

/security /regulation

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

Is 2017 The Year Of Transformation?

Each year starts with a reflection on the past and predictions for the future. In industry and politics, these thoughts are often accompanied by the idea that the coming year will be one of transformation. Everything will change. For once, the political analysts were right. There’s no doubt that 2016 will live long in the memory. What about the pa...


Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

Five questions you need to ask to avoid payment system failures and delayed launches

If you’re on the Board of Directors in an organisation which handles payments, I suspect you will have broken out into a cold sweat at the thought of a systems failure. Alternatively, you may have been in a meeting where a project has overrun (again) or needs more money to achieve completion. These are all unwanted events. The result is huge reduc...


Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

10 things a CEO should know about testing payments before it goes wrong

We were talking in the office recently about the pressure CEOs face when things go wrong. If a payment system falls over, and it hits the headlines, it can have a devastating impact on the business. As a results, we thought it would be useful to list the top ten things that CEOs need to know about payment testing – and here they are: Software tes...

/payments /regulation

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

Old habits die hard, which is why payment innovation can fail

Sport, business. Is there a similarity? Before you flick on to the next article, this isn’t about positive mental attitude and a testosterone fuelled winner’s mentality. I want to share my thoughts on why habitual behaviour, good and bad, can lead companies either into a downward spiral or a slow trajectory towards improved performance. The world ...

/payments /regulation

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

Hope is not a test strategy and how to get testing right

I’ve seen it too many times. Development projects in testing can end up in a tangled mess when the required thinking is not employed up front. I rarely see people putting in place plans which they believe will fail. People aren’t irresponsible. But you can see that the approach is one that will lead to problems. The consequences are much greater...


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