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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Breaking up of the Euro contingency projects

Much to my surprise I found out recently that a large number of UK Banks have already been working on their plans for the eventual breakup of the Euro. As I understand it the banks are basing their plans around first one Euro State going, quickly followed by others, with various scenarios being played out. For example, a split, with the northern E...

/payments /regulation Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Getting the most from trade finance

Investment banks have enormous positions to fund on a daily basis. This will include not only its own proprietary positions but also those of its clients who make use of the bank’s market capabilities and its ability to maximise collateral to get the best possible deal. By making good use of the soup to nuts banking facility the investing client h...

/wholesale Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Why is liquidity important?

Now you would think this was an easy question, or at least I did. However, the once unquestioned value of liquidity to markets is now being knocked of its perch by politicians and people fazed by the current economic crisis. One of the worst things anyone can do in a crisis is to panic, but that appears to be the case today. Research has shown that...

Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The Bear Game

In the UK, the history of stock borrowing and lending has veered from being a well regulated, secure winner for all parts of the finance industry into an open season that is almost a free-for-all for regulated business. This has been instrumental in the creation of a much greater risk in short selling. I will be presenting a potted history of stoc...

/wholesale Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Should short selling be banned?

There has been a huge media outcry that short selling is a major reason for the economic crisis. Worryingly people in the industry have bought this message and many firmly believe that short selling is one of the market’s evils. Sadly this view, although popular, demonstrates the ignorance of the reality of the benefits that short selling brings t...

/wholesale Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A plan for euro replacement

As the politicians in the Eurozone appear incapable of coming up with a rescue plan or any plan to implement an orderly retreat I have been thinking of what might happen. So far the politicians’ only idea, has been to flood money into whatever country is teetering on the edge, in the hope of buying enough time to resolve the cause of the illness, c...

Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

400 million euro; for what?

At a recent conference a senior member of the T2S development team said that to date €350m had been spent on development and this was likely to rise to about €400m due to the 9 months delay announced at SIBOS. Let me say it again €400m! When T2S was devised in pre 2006, the world was a very different place and in those days a technology platform to...

/regulation /sibos Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Rating Agencies Stampeding Cattle

Since the first signs of the Credit Crunch and the debacle of bad asset valuation in the subprime disaster, the role of Credit Rating Agencies has created deep concern for Governments and Regulators alike. The independence that the finance industry always expected of ratings was almost unquestioned before, but not since. This begs the question ho...

/sibos Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Will M and A be hit; or is it business as usual?

Last week I attended a breakfast meeting at Cass Business School, a heavyweight panel consisting of Lord Lyndon Harrison, Chairman of the Lords’ Committee For Economic and Financial Affairs and International Trade, Professor Scott Moeller, Director of the M&A Research Centre, Cass Business School, Frances O’Grady, Deputy General Secretary, TUC...

/regulation Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

What's the point of MTFs?

When MiFID was written one of its objectives was to create increased competition to the Stock Exchanges. The view being that the Stock Exchanges were operating in what looked like a monopoly and with mergers they would be creating further monopolistic positions. This was considered bad for investors as it limited choice and forced acceptance of th...

/sibos /wholesale Post-Trade Forum

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