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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Credit Crunch hits SIBOS Lunch

Now I know we live in difficult times and just about everything is on the rise but lunch at SIBOS is taking pricing to a new level. With virtually no choice of food on the exhibition floor my colleague and I decided to take advantage of the buffet restaurant on the upper floor. Having trekked all morning around the huge exhibition floor we were ea...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Short Selling

The fact that the USA, UK and Japan have put short selling bans into play should not be seen as a long term solution to control the markets. The UK has set the ban until the 29th January and restricted it to 29 financial stocks although all types of company are exposed to manipulation by short selling. Short selling did not create the current cred...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SWIFT answers the contradiction question

Last week I questioned if SWIFT were in danger of contradicting their position of only supporting a single standard by operating both ISO20022 and ISO15022 at the same time. This question certainly brought about plenty of interest and also some important clarification comments posted by the SWIFT Community. I therefore urge all those interested in ...

/wholesale Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is there a contradiction at SWIFT?

When it comes down to standards in the finance industry SWIFT is the body that everyone looks to for a lead. They of course are often blamed for having a foot in two camps and this just comes with the territory, when you're SWIFT but when it comes to developing new standards they must surely either stay neutral or sit on the side of the table that...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SWIFT Ready Gold for ISO 20022

As we see the push for ISO 20022 gather momentum many questions begin to take hold and one can look at previous like projects and learn from what was considered a success and things that did not go so well. One of the ISO15022 success stories was the creation of a SWIFT Ready Gold label for technology enabling implementation. This proved a very go...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Replacing ISO15022

The news that four of the securities industries most influential standards bodies are collaborating, would normally bring about very loud applause from me but I find myself really concerned about what the end cost might be for the market and the investors. A few years back FIX Protocol (FPL) agreed a memorandum of understanding with SWIFT that last...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SEPA XML formats concern European Corporates

I have written evidence that some of Europe's largest Corporates have expressed a number of serious issues to the EPC where SEPA is failing and in danger of deteriorating to a simple Bank to Bank system. But a picture has been presented in the media that SEPA is on course to achieving its end objectives at some stage in the future; however, the do...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Green confirmations get closer!

The announcement that OMGEO is leading the way to finally eliminate paper confirmations as a regulatory requirement can only be welcomed by all in the securities industry. The explosion of electronic trading and the fact that nearly all investors either private or corporate have access to the web, must make this ridiculous rule outdated, being lef...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

DTCC and LCH Clearnet merger

The speculation that DTCC are in talks with LCH Clearnet, with a merger as a possible result must be music to the ears of everyone in the securities market. The consolidation of Clearing on this scale will be creating a mammoth opportunity for the markets to finally start the walk towards industry wide STP in the international cross border busines...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

When will we know SEPA is working?

Now this might be a really dumb question but I ask it in response to Chris Skinner's blog published on the SWIFT Community website. According to Chris, SEPA is working and he substantiates his claim by announcing various polling scores from an American audience at a recent conference. I am not sure how much relevance any poll on SEPA in the USA is...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

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