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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

New Risks for Banks

For years the market has prided itself on its ability to measure and manage a number of risks that are inherent within financial markets. Counterparty Risks, Operational Risks and those risks based on price movements have had countless amounts of attention and all have had a number of systems developed to assist in risk management. Today the world...

/regulation SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Has the European dream begun to fail?

The economic crisis is a worldwide problem of gargantuan proportions, which is causing an increasing number of Governments to take unusual and dynamic actions to try and prop up the banking system against an unparalleled destabilisation of the markets. The interbank credit stagnation has been building over many years but because of global, suppose...

/sibos Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Primary market under threat

Corporate finance remains aloof from many of the operational assessments that are focused on systems and procedures in the secondary market. Many people working in corporate finance also have an aloof attitude to operations with hardly any awareness of the settlement requirements of many of the deals they create. Incidentally this also includes cr...

SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Staff shortage will threaten recovery

The lay offs have already begun as banks look to bring their costs down and protect their profitability. UBS were the latest to cut 2000 jobs and they will not be the last as the crisis begins to bite hard and as usual the finance industry is reactive in chasing the market down. I can however; guarantee that once the good times roll the banks will...

/retail Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A return to Vanilla: What will the banks do next?

One thing is for sure the banks are going to be very careful not to create financial products that look like those that have helped create the crisis. We can anticipate that many financial firms will revert to plain vanilla trading to try and build up some confidence with their clients. Keep simple, keep it stupid, might be the order of the day, f...

/retail /wholesale Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Selling Ban will hit Derivatives

It's a certainty that the ban on short selling will decrease the transaction volume in derivatives. The strategic use of derivatives creating short positions and escalating volatility in the markets will for a little while be curtailed. Unfortunately this is only the case in financial services firm's shares but nevertheless this is a significant p...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Every man expects 'The House' to do its duty!

After the US Senate agreed the modified bill to pump a life saving $700b into the USA economy, the rest of the world waits with baited breath to see if the House of Representatives follows and brings the world back from the brink of a global recession. Readers will know that I abhor Government interference in free markets and always feel that the m...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Liquidity Risk Management

At the Thomson Reuters Liquidity forum this week, the issue of liquidity risk was debated amongst a panel and audience of experts. There is no doubt about the vital importance of liquidity within markets where quite simply without it you hardly have a market. So to retain and manage liquidity is fundamental to markets and with the economic crisis ...

Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Fat cat bonuses; lessons could learn from Wood Mackenzie

Fat cat bonuses in the City dealing rooms have become the topic of discussion this week with all and sundry it seems having a view. The Archbishop of York is just one of the stranger people taking a shot at the City but he was then joined by the Prime Minister. It looks like open season on fat cats and who could argue it is not deserved. However, ...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is London losing its position?

London is the biggest international financial market in the world according to established government figures. Financial markets make up approximately 28% of UK GDP and are a fundamental component of the European "Action Plan". Any dilution of "the City" as the dominant international centre will not only be bad for the UK gover...


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