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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Time for a New Banking Index

Now that governments across Europe have part nationalised the banks perhaps we can get away from the hysteria in the media, which is focussing too much on the market value and not on the underlying. The nationalisation of banks has effectively removed the banks from normal company valuations because of the various terms insisted on by the governme...

/retail EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

We are all bankers now

The part nationalisation of UK banks looks like it will become a global phenomenon with the US already moving towards this solution and the EU following suit if weekend reports are accurate. Is this a bad thing for the tax payer? Despite what tax payers feel about greedy bankers and their reckless use of our money, the salvation of the banks is cru...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Stop Selling And Find The Floor

When you listen to the news and read the various reports on the financial crisis, the market's crash it is always intertwined with the problems in the economy. However, the two do not have as close a link as the media always report. The economy is a slow moving beast with impacts both good and bad taking time to filter through. The economy has mor...

/retail /wholesale Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Islamic banking Tunis the next Dubai?

During the course of my visit to Tunis whilst undertaking a corporate actions benchmarking project, I became engrossed with the effort by the Tunisian government to create a significant new financial centre, bridging the gap between the Far East and the West. The investment in the region is clearly growing and the moderate nature of the governmen...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Business Ethics Back From The Abyss

It appears to me that the best way to start clawing back from the abyss in the financial services industry, has to be the reclamation of business ethics. The scandalous bonuses paid to people who worship the buck at the expense of the industry and its clients have to be brought back into line. Stripping the market at any cost is not the best way t...

/retail Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Who is going to replace Lehmans?

The finance industry is losing many of its major names as the crisis begins to bite. Some of the names may stay but they are now owned by behemoth banks who just get bigger and bigger. We are going to move into the future with a market that has less independent banks but a few massive global financial conglomerates. This narrowing of the field is ...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Financial Crisis drives bullyboy tactics

Now I know this might be a small issue in the whole scheme of the global financial meltdown but HSBC seems to be plummeting to new depths of desperation. Only this week, I learnt how HSBC has been harassing, a recently graduated student, initially once a week over the past three weeks but more recently, this has increased to daily phone calls. A

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A Thirst for Vengeance

When the dust has settled on the financial crisis there will be a complete and detailed analysis by the politicians rather than the industry. The finance industry does suffer short memory syndrome and is able to move on regardless of the catastrophe until it unintentionally lurches into the next disaster. We have seen this reaction after every typ...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Nationalisation has never been so popular

The UK government could never have foreseen that during their time in office, they would nationalise the high street banks and what's more with the support of the opposition and the City in general. We live in very strange times indeed. Although today's announcements from the UK Chancellor are somewhat short of real nationalisation, it is as close ...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Will we see the return of trade barriers?

In 1929 one of the biggest factors was the introduction of nationalistic trade barriers. These were protective measures to ensure domestic businesses were supported over and above those of the global economy. The effects were disastrous both domestically and worldwide! It was only through the creation of financial instruments in the USA that were ...

/wholesale SEPA and European Payments

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