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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is There A Solution To Identity Theft?

Hardly a day goes by before a new story hits the headlines about another fraud. No one it seems is immune from the French president to the man in the street, small businesses to large corporations, there is no safe haven, with all protective measures apparently inadequate to reduce this rising crime. Latest crime figures have shown that the ident...

Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

DTCC merger with LCH Clearnet

This news is just what the market needed to hear. One of the hopes for the future is that the finance industry not only recovers from the current crisis but changes its structure fundamentally to prevent any reoccurrence. The disparate nature of clearing in the international markets makes no sense and is a carry over from a bygone age. Unfortunate...

Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Can the new trading venues survive?

I was interested to see that Chi-X have announced good profits and this set me thinking about how they will fare in the next year, as all the other new trading venues come in. So far Chi-X has had it their own way so far but surely times will become tougher with greater competition. Virtually all MTFs offer broadly similar services and all tend to...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

PSD Breeds European Fragmentation

SEPA credit transfers went live at the beginning of this year and to date can hardly be called a resounding success. What is presented in the media and the party political line spouted by various pundits masks the truth, that there are fundamental problems with SEPA. The problems have a direct line to the drafting of the Payments Services Directi...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Crisis at AIM as listings dry up

At this week's Corporate Finance forum the financial crisis was, as expected, at the top of the agenda. Two speakers presented equally doom laden news and the general mood was as downbeat as you can get. The interesting point from both presentations was that throughout this year there has been a massive number delisting of companies on AIM. There...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Offshore Call Centres Dont Work

Now lets be totally candid about this and all admit what millions of people already know Offshore Call Centres in financial services are not working. They may be cost effective to the firms off shoring for the moment but in the medium to long term will prove disastrous. Financial services is a relationship business and as soon as the connection is...

/retail EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

EMXCo An STP Story

As news from the markets veer from bad to worse and each day brings more doom and gloom its worth noting one of the big success story's of the last few years. EMXCo were set up in the 20th century to bring some efficiency into investment funds and other collective products that were still operating like it was the 19th century. The basic original ...

/retail SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SEPA Credit Transfers; a over hype phoney project

Despite what hype there has been in the media and all the pundits jumping up and down shouting Eureka the SEPA project to date is just a damp squib. SIBOS this year had many vendors ringing their hands in frustration at the lack of SEPA system sales whilst others secretly patted themselves on the back as their smoke and mirrors system gathered dus...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Bank shareholders booking preference seats in the lifeboat

It's understandable that shareholders of banks are upset with the terms of the government lifeboat. The payment of dividends to shareholders is a prime reason for investment and in many cases the dividends form a vital part of pension's provisions. However, the tax payer is the innocent party in the financial crisis and the debacle of the banks ab...

/payments /regulation EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Why is ISO20022 important?

I keep hearing about ISO20022 and notice that umpteen standards committees are in full swing together with SWIFT who are somewhere in the middle but what are they trying to achieve, for whom and for when? There appears to be a general agreement that ISO20022 is necessary but why and how will it be beneficial? In short there is an increasing amoun...

Data Management 101

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