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John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

The SWIFT Challenge

As any politician will tell you, the first 100 days for a new leader are crucial as your audience is receptive, forgiving and open to change; after this though the judgments start to be made and the cracks begin to appear. So what should Campos concentrate on in his first 100 days as the new CEO of SWIFT? What are the challenges the organizati...

/payments SWIFT Matters

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Blogging can hurt your employability

On the BBC World Service yesterday, and today on there comes a new threat to our employment chances - the Blog and other social sites. Apparently HR teams are being encouraged to use the Internet to research applicants for jobs and apparently some of the results are quite interesting as more and more companies use the web to store data....

/security /regulation Data Protection Act Issues

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Recovering Bank Charges - 2

I rang the Alliance & Leicester this morning and spoke to the Call Centre and explained that I had read a lot about the recovery of charges and wanted to know what I had to do to query and possibly recover mine. The very nice lady explained that they would send me a form and I had to complete it and return it with 10 pounds and that the bank th...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Recovering Bank Charges - 1

Finextra, in common with much of the financial press has covered the issue of bank charges in depth and because of the press coverage I conducted my own investigation this weekend and was surprised to discover that my bank, the Alliance & Leicester, has charged me over 1,500 pounds in the last 2 years for overdraft, bounced payments and intere...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

SWIFT Matters

I have read several articles in the financial press recently that so obviously regurgitate old press clippings. This laziness on the part of journalists leads to some regular and common inaccuracies, but none more so than the myth that abounds that SWIFT was ‘co-founded’ by Bessel Kok and a couple of friends! Why am I bothered you could ask, well...

/payments /wholesale SWIFT Matters

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