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Nameer Khan

Nameer Khan Founder and CEO at Fils

On International Water Day, How can Fintech Stem the Flow of Climate Change?

Every year, March 22nd marks a somewhat solemn reflection on the state of the world’s water security. The bedrock of all known life, water is a fundamental need for all communities, depicted throughout literature as a unifying symbol of life and renewal. However, this year’s International Water Day warns against a not so far future in which water i...

/payments /sustainable Innovation in Financial Services

Nameer Khan

Nameer Khan Founder and CEO at Fils

Hurricane Category Six Considered by Scientists - Here’s how Fintech can help stop the seventh.

The traditional five-category Saffir-Sampson scale for measuring hurricanes may not show the true power of the most destructive storms, scientists claimed in a paper published earlier this month. The research is a telling reminder that climate change, and the resulting increases in global temperature and extreme weather events, are not standing st...

/sustainable /inclusion Climate Fintech

Nameer Khan

Nameer Khan Founder and CEO at Fils

Empowering Climate Action: Why Davos Needs Fintech Pioneers to Drive Global Change

As the global community grapples with the urgent challenges of climate change, the role of fintech in driving meaningful solutions has never been greater In the quest for solutions to sustainable development, inviting fintechs to join prestigious forums like the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos is not just a necessity but a strategic imperative....

/sustainable /predictions Climate Fintech

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