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Dynshaw Italia

Dynshaw Italia Chief Financial Officer at Soldo

The inevitability of risk: why spend management is key for business in unpredictable times

Every company is subject to a degree of financial risk and the past few years has taught business owners, and their respective finance teams, that uncertainty is the new certainty. With supply chain issues, staffing shortages and the back and forth between office and remote working its understandable businesses can feel they are losing control. If...

/payments /startups Fintech

Dynshaw Italia

Dynshaw Italia Chief Financial Officer at Soldo

The modern CFO: Why it’s their time to lead technology transformations

Environmental concerns, economic turbulence, the cost-of-living crisis, and global trade issues are just some of the macro issues businesses are facing today. In this uncertain environment, the challenges CFOs are up against are constantly changing and therefore the need for the right practices and tools to help finance teams be more flexible is g...

/payments /startups Fintech

Dynshaw Italia

Dynshaw Italia Chief Financial Officer at Soldo

How intuitive spend management software can help businesses create agile, future-fit finance teams

Recently, ONS released its latest findings which showed that GDP grew by just 0.1% in February compared to 0.8% in January. From these figures, it is apparent that the cost-of-living crisis is now taking a hold not just on UK citizens but on its businesses – a shift that is likely to be the start of a prolonged period of weaker growth. If this dip...

/payments /markets Fintech

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