3 Results from 2022
Michael Rada HUMAN at IBCSD LAB s.r.o,
On Deceber 1, 2015 begun INDUSTRY 5.0 its journey with article named INDUSTRY 5.0 FROM VIRTUAL TO PHYSICAL. It was so different to all the others published at that time that the response was overhelming. Seven years later call the same one team of researcers PHYGITAL Just shortly before the 2023 New Year celebration published VINCENT GALANT very ...
28 December 2022 /sustainable /predictions Business
After todays poll, ELON MUSK should step down from TWITTER throne and the question is if it will help to recover the once biggest social network and communication tool, or if tt pass away for ever. One of the alternatives that is being discussed is to offer the role to some othe billionair, handing the toy over to play with before it would be gone....
19 December 2022 /people /predictions INDUSTRY 5.0
When on October 15, 2021 second of my FINEXTRA blogs was published it wake up interesting response in the readers world. The number of responses was higher then expected and one of the reason may be that the estimated value of INDUSTRY 5.0 was named in the article name INDUSTRY 5.0 represents 475. USD/year estimated global savings A...
05 April 2022 /sustainable /predictions INDUSTRY 5.0
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