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After todays poll, ELON MUSK should step down from TWITTER throne and the question is if it will help to recover the once biggest social network and communication tool, or if tt pass away for ever.

One of the alternatives that is being discussed is to offer the role to some othe billionair, handing the toy over to play with before it would be gone.

The other alternative is to change completelly the approach and start to implement tools that will simultaneously represent recovery and transformation. This can be done by application of INDUSTRY 5.0 principles.

These are rather simple, based on systematic waste prevention methodology named INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING. The great about it is that this methodology is applicable in any environment, any location and any industry , because waste adn wasting is result of human behavior, not nature, machine, technology or environment.

The question is if the owner, would like to be seen as someone who failed

If he hands TWITTER to someone who give the network the last shot, ELON MUSK will be seen as HERO who was not responsible for the end of TWITTER

If he hands TWITTER to someone who will be able to heal, recover, rebuild and make it even stronger than any time before, he would be seen as someone who failed to deliver, what he promissed.

Unfortunatelly until now the first variation is more frequent in failed projects, because not a single one which was "sold" or "handed over" to others was realy recovered, lokking at HYPERLOOP, BORING COMPANY or just the delivery of the CYBERTRUCK car, to name just few.

Th decision must be taken by ELON himself, he is the only owner. It is him who owe next big about of money to investors and banks who trusted him and provide money to realize the overpriced purchase of a single social network.

This feeling of uncertainity, show the drop in the blind belief in ELON MUSK´s GENIALITY and LEADERSHIP or MANAGERIAL SKILLS. I started interesting poll (attached) on LINKEDIN asking how will users react if the job TWITTER CEO would be offered to them

  • 38% will accept the job
  • 31% will refuse the offer
  • 8% will ask for salary level
  • 23ˇwill ask for decision rights

This will not happen a year ago, in a time when Elon was glorified not only as Business God, but the Richest man on the planet. Today he lost both roles and I am looking forward what the next step will be, but itf he would like to implement with new CEO the INDUSTRY 5.0 principles, I am ready to help and support and show him, how man of the same age, can build with nothing the NEW GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM and network in 111 countries without a single penny or cent from a single investor, bank or supporter.

I am ready to cure TWITTER. Is ELON ready to save the toy which he broke?  

Michael Rada, HUMAN

INDUSTRY 5.0 Founder


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