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Nikolai Hack

Nikolai Hack COO at Nucoro

Why tech partnerships are key to banks’ survival (Part 2)

In the first of our two-parter, we looked at why tech partnerships are key to the survival of the established banks. We explored the ‘say-need-gap’ and how there is a disconnect between what customers say they want from digital banking services and what they need so that they will effectively engage with them. Crucially, how banks can leverage the...

/retail Digital Bank Transformation

Nikolai Hack

Nikolai Hack COO at Nucoro

Why tech partnerships are key to banks’ survival (Part 1)

That the retail banking landscape is undergoing one of its most profound changes in recent memory is no longer breaking news. The proliferation of digital, the deepening penetration of fintech and open banking, and the increasing customer demand for innovative services have combined to create an environment that is unrecognisable from that of only...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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