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Peter Shubenok

Peter Shubenok Founder at RNDpoint

How Digital Transformation Can Help You Work With ‘Gray-Zone’ Clients

Lending to 100%-verified, reliable clients is straightforward — the risk is clear and, so too, are the terms. However, not every customer who approaches your business will fit neatly into this box. Some may fall into the “gray area” between reliable and risky. Does this mean you should discount this group and concentrate only on certainties? No. I...

/inclusion /predictions Digital Bank Transformation

Peter Shubenok

Peter Shubenok Founder at RNDpoint

How To Improve The Customer Experience Through Digital Transformation In The Lending Industry

Customer experience (CX) is critical to any business. In 2020, around 27% of brands improved CX quality, 13% higher than in 2019, according to consumer surveys by Forrester. Back then, companies focused on finding and eliminating problems, including internal processes. But 2020 changed everything, forcing businesses to rethink the core competencie...

/inclusion /predictions Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Peter Shubenok

Peter Shubenok Founder at RNDpoint

Digital Transformation in the Banking Sector: the Keys of a Successful Launch

According to a survey by IBM Institute of Business Value, 60% of representatives of world banks believe that the boundaries between various industries are gradually blurring. This means that banks have new competitors. Among them are both promising FinTech startups and ecosystems that unite financial and non-financial players. In such conditions...

/inclusion /predictions Digital Bank Transformation

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