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Pradeep Singh

Pradeep Singh Head of Fintech & DeFi at Capgemini

Connecting NFT To your Enterprise strategy !

NFT’s are memorable experiences for people & philosophy. They’re also an outstanding way of engaging & connecting with your audiences. Enterprises should consider using enterprise non-fungible tokens for their products and services and in general identify with NFT’s as a mechanism of interaction with customer and employees. While digital c...

Pradeep Singh

Pradeep Singh Head of Fintech & DeFi at Capgemini

Finance disappearing inside non-banking experiences.

Embedded Finance slowly and steadily is becoming an essential part of our lives & the impression has been joyful & inspirational. Embedded Finance is connecting the dots for real world problems for the masses and make everyday moments beautiful. The traditional ways of transacting or doing business are being overtaken by the digital forefro...

Pradeep Singh

Pradeep Singh Head of Fintech & DeFi at Capgemini

Tale of Immortal Money from Bartering to Crypto

“As a king who has achieved merit & evolves time and again since human history but faces the greatest battle ever.” Money in some form or another has been a part of human history for at least the past 5,000 years. Before that time, historians agree that a system of bartering was used. Around 700 B.C., the Chinese moved from coins to pap

/payments /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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