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Ananstasiia Svarych

Ananstasiia Svarych CEO at Lextensio

Who keeps our credit cards secure, and what is 3D secure?

In 1620, the scientific manifesto "New Organon" was published. Its author, Francis Bacon, was immortalized thanks to the phrase that sounded in the treatise "Knowledge is power". After 4 centuries, a lot has changed, and the phrase remains relevant to this day. However, Bacon certainly did not make online purchases and did not w...

/payments /wholesale Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ananstasiia Svarych

Ananstasiia Svarych CEO at Lextensio

The value of information through the ages

June 18, 1815. The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo brought Nathan Rothschild £ 40 million and from the time the phrase: "Who owns the information, he owns the world" became known. After two centuries, this phrase has become stronger and has become a kind of slogan of the era of digitalization. History knows many examples of when informat...

/crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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