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Simon Thompson

Pathway to net zero: building AI into climate risk strategies

Can generative AI (GenAI) or machine learning both help set and effectively deliver net zero strategy? Is it, indeed, the tool that will change the face of ESG and sustainability disclosure and strate...

20 Feb 2024
Simon Thompson

Creating real value with LLMs

In the middle of 2023, the world of computing is abuzz with excitement over the emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT4/ChatGPT premium and StarChat. Understanding what these models can...

28 Sep 2023
Simon Thompson

ChatGPT: Making things safer

In part-one of this blog I examined the new and powerful technology that is ChatGPT. In this second and final part, I explore what best practices are required to make its use as safe and secure as po...

20 Apr 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Simon Thompson

Is it ok to use ChatGPT?

This two-part blog outlines some harms and benefits of applications using ChatGPT. By identifying a set of harms, we can give a simple methodology for determining if it’s ok to use ChatGPT in an appli...

12 Apr 2023
Simon Thompson

The IEEE Trusted Data and AIS Playbook for Financial Services (IEEE Finance Playbook)

There are lots of people talking about the ethical aspects of AI nowadays. It’s easy to predict that there will be a lot more in the future. AI technology had a fierce buzz about it in 2019, but unlik...

06 May 2021
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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