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2024 (1) 2023 (3) 2021 (1)
Simon Thompson

Simon Thompson

Head of Data Science at GFT
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Pathway to net zero: building AI into climate risk strategies

20 Feb 2024

Can generative AI (GenAI) or machine learning both help set and effectively deliver net zero strategy? Is it, indeed, the tool that will change the face of ESG and sustainability disclosure and strategy? Is the use of GenAI as a tool, the silver bullet, a way to help move a company (or a country) to net zero, efficiently, and at speed? In principle...


Creating real value with LLMs

28 Sep 2023

In the middle of 2023, the world of computing is abuzz with excitement over the emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT4/ChatGPT premium and StarChat. Understanding what these models can and cannot do and how to successfully apply them for business advantage is not simple. It's important to analyse the emerging research on the proper...

Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

ChatGPT: Making things safer

20 Apr 2023

In part-one of this blog I examined the new and powerful technology that is ChatGPT. In this second and final part, I explore what best practices are required to make its use as safe and secure as possible. It is pretty clear that we are not going to put ChatGPT back in the bottle. The techniques used to create it are well known, and although the...


Is it ok to use ChatGPT?

12 Apr 2023

This two-part blog outlines some harms and benefits of applications using ChatGPT. By identifying a set of harms, we can give a simple methodology for determining if it’s ok to use ChatGPT in an application. Some rules for the implementation of the applications that are developed are provided. And I can confirm these blogs are 100% human created! ...