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Anna Oleksiuk

Anna Oleksiuk FinTech Practice Lead at Intellias

The Main “C” of 2021 Is Not COVID, It’s Cashless

Could we have predicted the dethroning of cash in early 2019? Perhaps. But in 2020, multiple tell-tale signs has indicated that in the payments world, cash no longer reigns supreme. The volume of non-cash retail transactions has been growing consistently since 2017 in mature APAC markets (estimated 10% CARG through 2022) and developing economies...

/payments /covid-19 Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Anna Oleksiuk

Anna Oleksiuk FinTech Practice Lead at Intellias

EMV vs Biometric Cards: What’s Next in Card Processing?

Discover the history of card payment security and learn how biometrics are increasing the security of card payments Futuristic advances in payment technology are being deployed across the world. Contactless payments are at the forefront of this trend, but security issues have slowed the adoption of contactless cards and contactless payments via mo...

/payments Biometrics

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