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Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

COVID-19: Navigating without a map - Implications and looking ahead

Five-minute read to gain a different perspective (1,000 words) /// Uncharted waters /// These are unsettling times, and COVID-19 is clearly impacting our lives, the people we love, our colleagues and our communities. Firstly, I would like to wish you and your loved ones safe passage across this difficult terrain. I have no doubt that we will get t...

/retail /covid-19 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

COVID-19 A message of support - We will get through this together -

Dear Finextra community - We will get through this together - These are unsettling times and COVID-19 is clearing impacting our personal and professional lives, and those that we love. I wanted to wish you, your loved ones and fellow colleagues safe passage through this difficult period. Please take care, stay positive and find sometime for having ...

/retail /covid-19 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Responsible Leadership: Airport lounges and leadership lessons

Time to read: Five minutes to gain a different perspective /// Airport lounges Over the last 12 months, I have had the luxury of travelling to several different countries—often quickly exchanging one travel bag for another and regularly buying Toblerone bars, much to the annoyance of my family (especially the wife—and rightly so). I have convinced...

/retail /inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Customer Obsession: Looking for elephants and we found goldfish

Time to read: Five minutes to gain a different perspective My family and I recently embarked upon a tour of the Indian sub-continent—a continent that I am reasonably familiar with through my back-packing days and business trips. Over 20 years on from my youthful adventures, and with over two decades of life-learning behind me, I set out upon a jou...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Game Changers - Strategy and Innovation

Time to read: Five minutes to gain a different perspective ‘The more we travel, the less we know.’ —The Beatles // The Fosbury Flop The other day, I was flipping through an assembly of television channels with my children and trying to find something to watch. We eventually landed upon athletics, a discipline I was not very fond of at school and, t...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Vulnerability in the digital workplace - a spark for innovation?

Vulnerability in the digital workplace - a spark for innovation? Time to read: 5 minutes to gain a different perspective (800 words) // A privilege // A few months back, I had the honour of discussing vulnerability with colleagues and clients as part of a re-imaging customer experience session. The focus of exploration was customer vulnerability ...

/inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

FCA , PRA and CMA Strategic Business Priorities

Dear all Sharing a summary of UK Business Plan priorities from the CMA, FCA and PRA. Competition and Market Authority 2019/2020 priorities: •Protecting vulnerable consumers •Improving trust in markets •Promoting better competition in online markets •Supporting economic growth and productivity Financial Conduct Authority 2019/2020 priorities: •With...

/inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

How to fly a kite in a hurriane - Banking Strategy

Flying a kite in a hurricane // Creating space to play // Flying a kite is all about watching out for the right conditions and making agile adjustments along the way, taking into consideration wind and space. Now, I must confess I am not much of a kite flyer – despite my various attempts to teach my young children on the weekends. I recall the day...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Addressing unmet banking needs

Time to read: 5 minutes to gain a different perspective On a wet Sunday afternoon, I finally got around to ‘sorting out’ the loft. In our home, the loft is a sanctuary for old memories, captured in the form of books, papers, photos and other personal items. As I rummaged through an assortment of boxes, I picked up an old bank passbook. The passboo...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

How disruption ready are you?

Time to read: 5 minutes to gain a different perspective // The music of change // New Year blues fully banished, enthused for the year ahead – personal and professional bucket list refreshed. I am lucky; I have managed to secure a seat on an overcrowded commuter train. I might actually buy a lottery ticket, since my luck appears to be in. Earphones...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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