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140 Results from 2008, /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

US, UK, EU Target Global Payments

The news that "the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) has issued a consultative document seeking feedback on ways to address... ...the lack of transparency in payment messages used for cross-border cover payments." cannot come as a surprise to anyone involved in the implementation of AML systems. This inherent weakness has long been...

/payments /wholesale Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

HP boxes clever...not

HP has dedicated a fair amount of corporate Web space to promoting it's environmentally-friendly 'Green Giant' credentials. So I'm assuming this report from the Register is some kind of elaborate joke: "HP shatters excessive packaging world record". The accompanying picture story details how one amazed Reg reader took receipt of a very ...

/retail /wholesale Going green

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Bloomberg, PayPal and Bank of America tune in to iPhone

Hats off to Bloomberg (financial fundamentals), PayPal (P2P payments) and Bank of America (mobile banking) for being ready on day one of the launch of Apple's AppStore on iTunes for iPhone widgets. But a big thumbs down to the rest of the financial services industry for such a tardy response. For an overview of some of the more interesting (non-...

/retail /wholesale Finance 2.0

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

CommSec iPhone trading app shows the way

The share dealing arm of Australia's Commonwealth Bank is ready to cash in on iPhone mania ahead of the initial 3G release in the country Friday. CommSec has developed a native iPhone app that effectively converts the device to a wireless laptop, from which users can check out news and market movements, view their holdings and outstanding orders ...

/retail /wholesale Futuristic Banking

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Just how much is Thomson Reuters worth?

Further to my previous post on Merrill Lynch's ruminations over whether or not to shed its 20% stake in Bloomberg (Just how rich is Michael Bloomberg?), maybe we should also be asking: Just how much is Thomson Reuters worth? Shares in the vendor rose 48p to £13.07 Monday as brokers began to re-evaluate the company in light of the £3 billion to £6...

/wholesale Finextra50 fintech index

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

The devil is in the sharing...

Whether you call it commission sharing or unbundling, it seems a deceptively simple process, at the conceptual level at least – you normally split the commission on an equity deal into at least two elements (traditionally denoted as execution and research) and distribute these portions appropriately. Following an agreement, known in the UK as a CS...

/wholesale MiFID

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Cityboy goes Glasto

Cityboy, Beer and loathing in the Square Mile, is a fictionalised account of rampant egotism, greed, prostitution and drug-taking in the heart of London's financial centre. The lurid tome was penned by Geraint Anderson, a former utilities research analyst at DrKW, who grew tired of the City's excesses after a debauched ten year's at the sharp end....

/wholesale Video extravaganza

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

FSA fishes for plankton in tank full of sharks

The UK's Financial Services Authority has concluded its first insider dealing case in almost two years. The culprit? A Body Shop IT technician who snooped on private e-mails to make a £38,000 profit by shorting shares in the retailer ahead of a results announcement. Excuse me if I'm feeling a little underwhelmed. It's a bit like the caped crusade...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Asia beckons

It's great to see, in what others see as a fairly dry world, that asset servicing is heading up the agenda not just in the west, but also in the east. SWIFT is hosting two half day conferences for custodians and asset managers in August, the first in Singapore on August 5th and the second in Hong Kong on August 8th. My interest, which I'll declar...

/wholesale SWIFT Matters

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Firefox flares up at

Financial messaging network Swift has been bigging up the switch over to its new corporate Web presence for the past few weeks now. The new site went live at the weekend, so I thought I'd pop over there today and see how it was bedding in. What a horror show - text scattered all over the page, huge chunks that fail to render. The usual teething pr...

/payments /wholesale Finextra@Sibos

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