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980 Results from /wholesale

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Excel is like a chainsaw

Excel is a powerful tool. Like a chainsaw, in the hands of a skilled operator it is hugely effective – but in untrained or rushed hands and without the proper safety equipment it can be positively dangerous. This latest story of spreadsheet mayhem is just another illustration of the power to get it wrong. Microsoft themselves understand that for s...

/regulation /wholesale Operational Risk Management

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

An important message from the Central Bank of Jamaica

Flashing across trader's newscreens everywhere on Friday

/wholesale Whatever...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Stop Selling And Find The Floor

When you listen to the news and read the various reports on the financial crisis, the market's crash it is always intertwined with the problems in the economy. However, the two do not have as close a link as the media always report. The economy is a slow moving beast with impacts both good and bad taking time to filter through. The economy has mor...

/retail /wholesale Data Management 101

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

FSA cracks down on City bonuses

The Financial Services Authority, in its latest missive to bank CEOs, says it has no wish to become involved in setting bank remuneration levels. Yet, despite these assurances, the regulator has made it patently clear that the bonus-driven excesses of the past will no longer be tolerated. "There is widespread concern that inappropriate remune...

/regulation /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

I went to buy a toaster and it came with a free bank

The credit crunch is no laughing matter, but as any psychologist will tell you, laughter is a way of dealing with extraordinary events that challenge our system of beliefs. So, in the interests of good mental health, here's a selection of some of the best gags currently doing the rounds. Q: What is the definition of optimism? A: An investment banke...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

This sucker could go down

It seems that George Bush has more insight than I thought after making this comment last week. Alan Greenspan wrote a now famous research article on how the monetary system risked collapse if it wasn't fully backed by Gold. This was in the 70's shortly after the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement, and it seems that the old adage applies - that...

/wholesale Trends in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Sign of the times

A digital clock erected in Times Square to show the US national debt has run out of digits. When the national debt level passed the $10 trillion mark a couple of weeks ago, the digital display failed to keep pace. The board was first erected to highlight the $2.7 trillion level of debt in 1989. A new board with extra digits is under construction. I...

/retail /wholesale

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Will we see the return of trade barriers?

In 1929 one of the biggest factors was the introduction of nationalistic trade barriers. These were protective measures to ensure domestic businesses were supported over and above those of the global economy. The effects were disastrous both domestically and worldwide! It was only through the creation of financial instruments in the USA that were ...

/wholesale SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A return to Vanilla: What will the banks do next?

One thing is for sure the banks are going to be very careful not to create financial products that look like those that have helped create the crisis. We can anticipate that many financial firms will revert to plain vanilla trading to try and build up some confidence with their clients. Keep simple, keep it stupid, might be the order of the day, f...

/retail /wholesale Data Management 101

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

What do Boris Johnson and Wikipedia have in common?

Well not the most obvious question I know. Boris Johnson – London’s headline grabbing mayor – and Wikipedia – an on-line encyclopaedia with definitions generated and maintained by its users – don’t seem to have obvious overlaps. However, they do both generate strong polarised opinions. Take Boris’s famous, or should that be infamous, “ping pong” s...

/retail /wholesale Trends in Financial Services

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