72 Results from 2010, /wholesale
Retired Member
Goldman Sachs held derivatives that totaled 25,284 percent of assets in 2008 and 33,823 percent as of June 2009 (source: FDIC SDI database). Why do these big numbers matter? They represent a form of dept that is invisible to the public, being held off balance sheet. Colin Henderson on the Bankwatch Blog seems has a real knack for turning informati...
12 March 2010 /regulation /wholesale
While we were eased into this year’s International Payments Summit on Monday, yesterday’s sessions contained more heated debates. Discussions yesterday first of all turned to proposed Basel III regulations which will require far more capital to be raised by the banks (a core capital ratio of at least 6 per cent will have to be maintained). Accordi...
10 March 2010 /wholesale
Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor
There is an interesting piece on voxeu.org calling for a fair treatment of trade finance under the upcoming Basel III rules. A majority of practitioners view Basel II as unfairly and dangerously tough on Trade Finance in terms of capital requirements under the Standardised Approach, compared to the "one size fits all" approach of Basel I...
10 March 2010 /payments /wholesale Financial Supply Chain
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
Good news for all you news junkies out there. Finextra has introduced a new 'Best of the Web' news feed to sit alongside our regular output of breaking stories from the world of fintech. Much like our Best of the Web blog feed in the Community section (which aggregates content from 21 leading third party blogs), the new service tracks interesting ...
05 March 2010 /retail /wholesale
Shared services is a delivery model for business processes and information systems that has proven itself to be a great fit for insurance companies and financial institutions that have multiple lines of business and distributed offices. A shared services model can allow a company to better reuse information systems and expertise than when every gr...
01 March 2010 /wholesale
I just returned from London, where I attended a two-day conference on EBAM (more specifically, SWIFT EBAM). While it was a relatively targeted audience (approximately 60 people were in attendance), its primary focus was on-boarding, bank account management, identity management and customer service. There were mostly top banks on hand, such as Citi...
26 February 2010 /wholesale Electronic Bank Account Management
How do you define innovation in finance? Are we talking about the creation of new synthetic debt instruments, famously decried by Warren Buffet as "financial weapons of mass destruction". Or should we be looking at tech or service-led innovations that have contributed to the social good. The reason I ask is because MIT has just published ...
25 February 2010 /retail /wholesale Finance 2.0
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
Finextra recently held a live Twitterview with Brett King, banking consultant and author of upcoming book Bank 2.0. During the conversation, King says that online banking will beat branch banking this year - and that the time has come to call all services ‘mainstream banking'. More controversially, King claimed that regulations were just an ‘excus...
17 February 2010 /retail /wholesale Social Banks
Lots of chatter in social media circles yesterday about this report on the New Comm Biz blog cocerning a financial services employee who was allegedly forced to remove his LinkedIn profile in response to Finra's recent Web 2.0 guidance note. "I received a disturbing email from a friend of mine," the post begins. "I have changed the ...
11 February 2010 /wholesale Finance 2.0
Many people I have spoken to in the industry believe that finally, in 2010, we will see the announcement of an end date for SEPA. It is something many of us have been calling for, and now it looks like it might happen soon, so I can't help but wonder what the impact will be. Obviously a lot depends on what the end date actually is (or, horror of h...
09 February 2010 /payments /wholesale
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