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980 Results from /wholesale

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

EBAday: a single migration end-date for Sepa?

For the first time in a long time Sepa hasn't really dominated EBAday. Finally, it seems, we're nearly there on migration end-dates and can start concentrating on other matters. The EC's Michael Thom told delegates at the migration session that the commission is now ready to get down to negotiations with the European Parliament and an agreement sho...

/payments /wholesale EBAday

Craig Ramsey

Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide

Reaching true differentiation

A broad range of activities - and not just cost cutting - must be adopted if a financial institution's market share is to be maintained and managed, and are imperative if market share is to grow. Consider a scenario in which every organization provides the same processing to ensure regulatory compliance. In this situation, there is little a custome...

/payments /wholesale EBAday

Craig Ramsey

Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide

EBAday blog pt. 2: Innovate and cut costs

An ongoing squeeze on budgets, combined with unprecedented levels of external scrutiny of both operations and performance, has created a situation in which improving the cost base has become paramount for most banks. Nonetheless, cost cutting need not be an insurmountable obstacle to innovation. Indeed, it may be a key driver of it. The new market...

/payments /wholesale

Craig Ramsey

Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide

EBAday blog pt. 1: wholesale payments innovation

With EBAday starting tomorrow in Madrid, I can't help thinking that one of the main topics of discuss will be around innovation. Whether it is bringing new products to market or offering existing services at a lower cost, innovation in wholesale banking payments is now an important aspiration. Innovation is often seen as the means by which banks m...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Do you need to review your payment system?

I have talked a lot recently about legacy payment systems, the problems they can cause within financial institutions and how to approach change, but I often get asked how companies can ascertain if they would benefit from evolving their payment systems. I think there are ten questions they should ask themselves: How do you compare with your compe...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What do payment systems of the future look like?

As financial institutions review their payments infrastructure, it is likely that many will decide that they need to start to consider how they evolve current systems in the future, if they haven't started already. But where should they aim to get to? If today's payment systems are siloed, non-compliant, inflexible and uncommunicative, the payment ...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is common sense a thing of the past now?

What has the world come to when an employer seeks to force employees to ‘shop' their friends' and family's negative feedback? Draconian and Victorian management just cannot work in such an open and transparent world. Management of organisations must realise that it is up to them to monitor and react to both positive and negative feedback in our ...

/retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Let's hear it for the payments big boys

Since the financial crisis, supervisors across the world have been trying to work out ways of dealing with banks deemed to be ‘too big to fail'. The most obvious solution (and the most simplistic) is to chop them up into manageable bits so none are too big or interconnected to be allowed to fail, because the current received wisdom seems to be tha...

/payments /wholesale

Siddharth Udani

Siddharth Udani Client Partner at Consulting

Payments - Reduced Costs but did you Increase Revenue?

We have seen, heard and acted a lot in the Payments space over last few years either to comply with new regulations like SEPA or to consolidate Payments Systems to reduce costs. Covering the obvious to 'reduce costs' and comply with EU regulations, banks are still not targeting enough to increase revenues in payments processing. Definitely regul

/payments /wholesale Banking Architecture

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Taking action against the burden of legacy systems

We know that most financial institutions are burdened, to a greater or lesser degree, by siloed legacy payment systems. Part of the problem is that the limitations of this architecture of legacy infrastructure are not immediately obvious. Individual systems function, and function well for the most part. But although they serve their individual pur...

/payments /wholesale

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