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981 Results from /wholesale

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Transaction Banking: No Need to Reinvent the Wheel

"What’s past is prologue" wrote Shakespeare in “The Tempest”. The phrase means that history repeats itself and continually influences the present. Nothing can be truer if we consider what financial institutions (FIs) are doing today with their global transaction services platforms and compare it with what some software and information te...

/wholesale Transaction Banking

Patricia Hines

Patricia Hines Head of Corporate Banking at Celent

Upgrading Your TMS? Five Connectivity Questions to Consider

Are you in the process of upgrading your Treasury Management System (TMS)? So are many other Global 1000 organizations. Dozens of multi-national corporations each year embark on treasury transformation projects. Some are seeking better information about offshore cash balances. Others are focused on hedging currency and interest rates. But one comm...

/wholesale Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Payments Hubbub

There has been much debate and discussion about what banks actually mean when they speak of a ‘payments hub’ and how that might be implemented. What is often overlooked is that the concept of a payments hub (also commonly known as a payment factory) is gaining traction in the corporate world, as companies seek significant gains in financial effici...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The compliance tide turns for no man

Anybody that has lived by the sea understands the tide is something that is well documented and inevitable. You account for it and plan for it, there is no hiding from the fact. In the same way mobile recording has been on the agenda for some time now, admittedly with some false starts, yet some financial institutions have still left things to the ...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

What's the point of MTFs?

When MiFID was written one of its objectives was to create increased competition to the Stock Exchanges. The view being that the Stock Exchanges were operating in what looked like a monopoly and with mergers they would be creating further monopolistic positions. This was considered bad for investors as it limited choice and forced acceptance of th...

/sibos /wholesale Post-Trade Forum

Retired Member

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Regulations: heads, you win; tails, I lose.

The proposals to update the Mifid directive governing European financial markets is just the latest in a slew of regulatory initiatives to hit the financial services market. The increase in regulatory attention in the financial markets is a global phenomenon, and shows no sign of abating in the foreseeable future. And given the backdrop of the cur...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Commodity reporting confusion; which way will regulators go?

The rulemaking under Dodd-Frank and EMIR is a dry dust place, but things are starting to get a bit more real and a bit more interesting... Back in 2008, G20 specified that OTC derivatives contracts should be reported to trade repositories. The US Dodd-Frank regulations have defined swap data repositories (SDRs) as responsible for collecting this da...


Olivier Berthier

Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor

All praise the ICC Trade Finance Register

Just came back from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission meetings in Beijing. It was a great conference with excellent content and debates, from the rules making activities to the launch of new instruments like the Bank Payment Obligation to address the open account and supply chain finance space, from regulation with Bas...

/payments /wholesale Financial Supply Chain

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Another example of physical and financial chains meeting

The banking industry has become a buyer's market, where corporate treasurers carefully select their bank relationship partners and demand more added-value services. Should banks stay on separate product lines or offering packaged solutions in order to meet customer needs? One of the frequent topics debated in transaction banking (and, in particula...

/wholesale Financial Supply Chain

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Comply, Protect or Grow?

Talking with a client recently they gave me an interesting perspective on the new OTC derivatives regulations that will be hitting the markets. Their question was – comply, protect or grow? Dodd-Frank and EMIR will be radically re-shaping the OTC derivatives marketplace by the end of 2012. The Tabb Group in a recent report predict that transact...


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