62 Results from 2011, /wholesale
Siddharth Udani Client Partner at Consulting
We have seen, heard and acted a lot in the Payments space over last few years either to comply with new regulations like SEPA or to consolidate Payments Systems to reduce costs. Covering the obvious to 'reduce costs' and comply with EU regulations, banks are still not targeting enough to increase revenues in payments processing. Definitely regul
23 May 2011 /payments /wholesale Banking Architecture
Retired Member
We know that most financial institutions are burdened, to a greater or lesser degree, by siloed legacy payment systems. Part of the problem is that the limitations of this architecture of legacy infrastructure are not immediately obvious. Individual systems function, and function well for the most part. But although they serve their individual pur...
19 May 2011 /payments /wholesale
Many financial institutions are trying to run their critical payments function on disparate, cobbled-together systems, whose complexity and inflexibility make it difficult to respond to new customer needs and market demands. This presents a number of challenges to banks. Firstly, there are spiraling costs and stifled revenues. It is estimated that...
12 May 2011 /payments /wholesale
Roy McPherson
No not the title of a chapter in a John Le Carre book, nor an invitation to spice up my pc. But in a recent survey looking at impediments to accurate counterparty risk measurement (and management) the top answer was, dirty data. If you extend counterparty risk measurement to include cash and liquidity exposure I'd say you're beginning to see the t...
04 May 2011 /regulation /wholesale
I recently completed some research on single dealer platforms or FX eCommerce systems, which are designed for market makers and dealers in foreign currency trading. My research covered FX aggregation, pricing, auto-hedging, position-keeping, smart order routing and internalization. Here are a few tidbits from the research: FX single dealer platfor...
14 April 2011 /wholesale Financial Risk Management
In March, new issuance and continued interest rate volatility contributed to further increases in fixed income volumes according to leading brokers like ICAP, who last week announced a 22% volume increase over its BrokerTec platform on the previous year. If regulators succeed in their aim to move a significant proportion of OTC trading onto exchang...
14 April 2011 /wholesale
Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo
We all are aware of the growing interests of large and medium businesses towards financing their daily needs via Asset based financing ranging from financing via factoring to Asset based borrowing. Over the years, many banks have started giving weight to Asset based financing, which is evident from the returns this has given to them YoY as compared...
05 April 2011 /retail /wholesale
Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide
As the IPS conference in London drew to a close yesterday one theme was coming through loud and clear: there are plenty of new payments methods emerging into the mainstream, such as mobile, and lots of new ways to interact with customers. The innovation in the retail banking sector is impressive, but it seems not to be met by an equal level of inn...
25 March 2011 /payments /wholesale
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
We're hosting a webcast on Finextra right now looking at everyone's favourite tech trend - cloud computing. However, before any IT head worth his iPad case starts dreaming about the processing power, flexibility and resiliency cloud computing can offer - his or her thoughts inevitability turn to security. In the webcast Adeel Saeed, head of Corpor...
25 March 2011 /regulation /wholesale Financial Risk Management
Yesterday at the IPS conference in London, a major theme emerged for payment banks: managing costs is no longer enough to maintain a successful payments business – banks simply have to become more efficient. Overlaying this realisation is the concern surrounding regulatory reform. At the conference, 67% of attendees admitted that regulatory reform ...
24 March 2011 /payments /wholesale
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