72 Results from 2010, /wholesale
Retired Member
The journey towards SEPA has been dogged by uncertainty from the start. End-users have not been sure what is on offer from the banks and at what price. Banks have been unsure whether and how to invest in SEPA, unsure about the impact of regulation (especially the PSD), and unsure how the financial crisis might affect their plans or lack of them. T...
18 June 2010 /payments /wholesale
Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven
Reformists and regulators in the US, in the EU and in other jurisdictions are grappling with the problem of massive banks and how their financial health is tied up with the very vitality of the economy. This happens because as the banks are so large and represent a major indicator of the health of the stock market, and thus the macro-economy, it i...
11 June 2010 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
If one was to take a spectator’s view of SEPA progress to date, one could be excused if the image of a white elephant flashed before one’s eyes . . . . . We had a memorable white elephant in the UK not so long ago : the Millennium Dome. It was central to the country’s celebrations at the turn of the millennium, but there was little clarity on what ...
07 June 2010 /payments /wholesale
I heard Francis Gross of the ECB speak at one of the panel events at the XTrakter Conference last week, and found that I couldn't avoid asking him whether the aims of the "Data Utility" initiative by the ECB could be better separated from the means by which the ECB proposes to solve them. At the moment, reference data issues for the ind...
04 June 2010 /regulation /wholesale Data Management 101
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
A while ago, soon after the news that Citi 'verified' its Twitter account, I sent a Tweet to Jamie Punishill, or @jpunishill for you Twitterers. 'How about a video interview or a 'Twitterview'?' Jamie was the face and name behind @AskCiti, which supports customer relations in the US. He was up for it. Schedules and questions went back and forth. &q...
04 June 2010 /retail /wholesale Social Banks
Ah, finallly, spring is in the air, and Finextra is, once again, embarking on another, real-time, live Twitterview. This time, it's with the big boys-global banking giant Citi. Finextra will be Q&A-ing, in real-time with Paul Butcher, Director, Communications Central, Citi, who is responsible for the global corporate social media initiatives as...
02 June 2010 /retail /wholesale Social Banks
Yesterday was the final day of EBAday and, as expected, many of the sessions focused on the challenges that banks are currently facing as they integrate SEPA with their domestic payments infrastructures while they migrate from legacy payments, ultimately turning the SEPA vision into reality. EBAday is an opportunity to reflect on the progress of S...
28 May 2010 /payments /wholesale
The second birthday of the UK Faster Payments Service (FPS) is upon us. However, the scheme still has a few teething problems that need to be straightened out. On the one hand, consumers’ use of the service has been heralded a success. In fact, according to the recent report from the Payments Council 'The Way We Pay 2010', individuals are making ...
26 May 2010 /payments /wholesale
This week we have some of the world's biggest banks recording staggering, record profits - despite this there are serious challenges heading the banks way in the short-term; consumer trust is just the start of it. As early as July 2008 we started to hear serious grumblings from consumers groups, customer advocates and politicians on how banks ha
21 May 2010 /retail /wholesale
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
Just stumbled across this jaw-dropping anecdote from a NY Times article on the May 6 Flash crash: The founder of Tradebot, in Kansas City, Mo., told students in 2008 that his firm typically held stocks for 11 seconds. Tradebot, one of the biggest high-frequency traders around, had not had a losing day in four years, he said. Tradebot, incidentall...
20 May 2010 /wholesale Whatever...
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