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980 Results from /wholesale

Amit Agrawal

Amit Agrawal NA at in transit

Intraday Liquidity: Implement Challenges

The management of intraday liquidity – defined by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) as “funds that can be assessed during the business day, usually to enable financial institutions to make payments in real time” – is now in the spotlight. Sources of this type of liquidity include central bank reserve balances, liquid assets on...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Dan Barnes

Dan Barnes Writer at Information Corporation

Trade finance creates a 10 billion dollar risk

BNP Paribas is in a real fix. It faces censure for allegedly being found guilty of breaching US rules on money laundering, and of breaching US sanctions, between 2002 and 2009. These alleged breaches relate to Cuba, Iran and Sudan. The risks involved for the bank are potentially terminal; the fine it is threatened with – rumoured to be around US$1...

/regulation /wholesale Future Finance News Analysis

Bernd Richter

Bernd Richter SVP - FIS Impact Ventures at FIS

Payments - time to revitalize a key revenue stream

Payments need to be profitable once again, as well as compliant. The good news is that they can be. Granted, payments are not the dependable cash cow they once were – a guaranteed profit producer, easy to maintain on a bed of legacy technology. The game is far from being over however. Making payments pay may be a challenge. But it’s by no means out...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Act now on transfers before the regulators act on you

Act now on transfers before the regulators act on you Despite a significant rise in the number of affluent investors, the wealth management industry’s track record of keeping its customers happy is still poor. One of the key problems affecting customers of execution-only brokers, for example, is the cost and complexity of transferring investment p...

/retail /wholesale

Dan Barnes

Dan Barnes Writer at Information Corporation

Bad as gold

The news that Barclays has been fined for manipulation of the gold benchmark is another nail in the coffin of trader autonomy and of voluntary data-based benchmarks. It also highlights the risks for speculators operating in the unregulated derivatives market when the ‘house’ is in charge of fixing the price. Q: So who got stung this time? A: Bar...

/regulation /wholesale Future Finance News Analysis

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Leveraging the post-Sepa environment - Brussels

Now that the industry has (almost) completed Sepa – there is still plenty of work to be done. Investment has been made by both institutions and corporates to get up to speed and in-line with the new regulation – so what is next? The official deadline has passed and we now look towards August 1 2014 as a revised deadline date - with three months to ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

How can banks deal with creaking IT systems?

The banking sector has faced yet more criticism in the last week for its so called “creaking IT systems”. According to the Chief Executive of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), Andrew Bailey, it’s time for the financial services industry to “address a patchwork of computer systems”. In a past blog, we spoke about how 2014 may finally be th...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

When Big Data is not Big Understanding

Good article from Tim Harford (he of the enjoyable "Undercover Economist" books) in the FT last week called "Big data: are we making a big mistake". Tim injects some healthy realism into the hype of Big Data without dismissing its importance and potential benefits. The article talks about the four claims often made when talking...

/regulation /wholesale Data Management 101

Retired Member

Retired Member 

PRMIA on Securities Financing and Money Market Funds

I went along to this PRMIA event on Thursday evening hosted by Credit Suisse and sponsored by Acacia Capital. Viktoria Baklanova introduced the panel with Joseph Tenaga as MC for the panel and very quickly got a plug in for her about to be released book written with Joe on money market funds. For those of us who don't know so much about money mar...

/regulation /wholesale Data Management 101

Patricia Hines

Patricia Hines Head of Corporate Banking at Celent

Client Lifecycle Management for Transaction Banking

In today’s competitive environment, financial services firms are faced with the challenge of maximizing revenue, reducing attrition, and maintaining customer relationships. That means adopting a holistic approach when it comes to developing true customer-centricity, the cornerstone of client lifecycle management. I define client lifecycle manageme...

/wholesale Transaction Banking

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