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980 Results from /wholesale

Paul Blank

Paul Blank e-Trading Solutions at TradAir

Review of major FX Platforms volumes for June 2015

The major OTC FX platforms have now reported their Jun 15 volumes. In terms of spot FX, EBS and FastMatch show decent 5%+ gains, whilst Reuters spot volumes fall 1.8% to their lowest levels of 2015. The Reuters-EBS gap continues to narrow (smallest gap of 2015), showing spot flows continuing to move from Reuters to EBS. And I would suspect the...


Retired Member

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Disrupting the future Bank, operating without Humans

In the 1985 movie Back to the Future Doc Brown coined the immortal phrase “Marty, where we’re going we don’t need roads”. In 2015 we can coin a new phrase “Boss, where we’re going we don’t need Humans.” The future is hidden in plain sight. Multi billion dollar corporations that run without the need for people sounds like Hollywood fiction but t...


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Centralized Limits and Collateral Management

Centralized Limits and Collateral Management In their quest for excellence corporate banks have adopted best of breed solutions for each line of business. Therefore the trade finance team would have selected the best Trade Finance Solution, the Loan Syndication Team would have another solution and the working capital / term loans / project finance...

/regulation /wholesale

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS

Central banks QE medicine no longer working!

This round of buying was caused by the spike in Bund yields which popped to come within a whisker of the 1% level as the bond rout in European fixed income markets continued. Yesterday, during the ECB presser, President Draghi noted that fixed income markets could become much more volatile given the very low yield levels. This is perhaps the unin...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Banks will be disrupted from below

“When people come together with a common purpose anything is possible. Entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly empowered and the businesses they’re building have already torn down and transformed entire industries and you under estimate them at your peril.” Last week a crowd of individuals came together to lift a double decker bus off of a trap...

/wholesale /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Could iBank give Apple a run for their money?

The news that the UK Government is considering introducing legislation that force the Financial Services industry to develop common, publicly available Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) shouldn’t come as a surprise. Initiatives like Level 39, Finance Innovate and Fintech50 have helped position the UK as a Fintech powerhouse and the new


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why the big Banks model is doomed!

The banks are too big to fail. Everyone says it and so it must be true. The last two decades have seen the rise and fall of the big bank concept. Take the ultimate global bank, the ‘Citi’ that never sleeps. It’s currently in 101 countries, has over 241,000 employees (down from around the 340,000 mark) and occupies over 10,000 properties. Could you...


Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

Managing Regulatory Data is Key to Faster Compliance and Client Onboarding

It’s been a calamitous few years for investment banking. Between profit slumps, job cuts, unprecedented fines for non-compliance and the incessant onslaught of regulatory pressures, it’s been one controversial crises after another. So much so that financial institutions have been busily retrenching and reducing the size and importance of their inv...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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Is the disruption of banks a fad?

The great debate across the media and all interested parties is the face-off between the incumbents (banks) and new entrants (fintech start-ups). Each opposing party sees themselves as the true messiah, with the banking incumbents arguing that they are changing, the future is held secure through their excellent and utterly untarnished experience a...

/wholesale /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mario Draghi: The European Financial Savant?

Big Talk and Big Action by Mario Draghi! Europe has been in dire straits economically, what with poor productivity, high unemployment, historically low interest rates and the threat of deflation looming. While consensus has been hard to come by, the European Central Bank (ECB) under the stewardship of Mario Draghi has decided upon a quantitative e...


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