64 Results from 2012, /wholesale
Retired Member
Sometimes, to understand where you need to go, you need to look back at what the past held. Banks previously employed a silo-based approach towards pricing and reacted only to competitive offerings when required. Supply and demand largely influenced prices and rates, which were considered in the context of other banks’ offerings, rather than from ...
03 August 2012 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
Clients and suppliers need strong complementary capabilities to make IT outsourcing relationships successful. Extensive studies have shown this to be a fact. The offshore factory with the cheapest service model doesn’t normally provide the best results. There is little need to acknowledge how difficult the current economic situation is at present...
11 July 2012 /regulation /wholesale
Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo
The world of client onboarding is bracing itself for a raft of new regulations that will have a significant impact on global reference data and associated data quality for risk management and compliance. Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) regulation aside, many of the new emerging regulations - such as FATCA, EMIR, MifID II, Dodd-Frank and the Volcker ...
10 July 2012 /regulation /wholesale Data Management 101
Core banking systems were built for a slower technological pace, where code changes were rare and stability and security were paramount. Now, legacy core banking systems are an impediment to innovation. In today's faster moving world, banks have to meet the changing risk appetites and product bundling profiles of a wired generation that has grown ...
09 July 2012 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
According to the most recent figures in the annual World Payments Report*, there are about 260 billion non-cash payments made each year, with credit and debit card use up by 9.7% at the last count. The cards business is becoming a major driver of revenue and with mobile payments on the horizon, banks need to get on and make the most of this opport...
06 July 2012 /payments /wholesale
Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group
I have come to the conclusion that readers want to get straight to the point when they read blog articles. Therefore I will outline my opinions in a series of short sentences that should facilitate reading and highlight the relevant points for discussion. If—instead—I am wrong with this assumption just let me know and I’ll turn to a more “orthodox...
01 July 2012 /wholesale Transaction Banking
Keith Bear Vice President, Financial Markets at IBM
Whilst Groucho and MiFID may not normally be associated in the same sentence, the proposed European Parliament amendment activity going on around MiFID II may make Groucho's observation that: 'Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies" particularly apposite fo...
24 June 2012 /regulation /wholesale
Core Banking Systems were built for a different world - a world that gave precedence in banking systems to security, redundancy and reliability and were architected in a product-centric way. Today, those requirements are still present - but it is not enough to be secure - the core architecture must also be flexible, innovative, and agile. Systems ...
21 June 2012 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
Regulatory Updates Rima Consulting. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System voted to publish final rules (June 7th, 2012) on market risk capital. For Banks with a high proportion of trading assets and liabilities, the final market risk capital rule prescribes methods for calculating the market risk capital requirement (Basel 2.5) for ...
19 June 2012 /regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation
Many organisations are awaiting further clarification of requirements before determining their approach to FATCA compliance. Indeed interest groups continue to lobby for further burden reducing concessions and undoubtedly there will be further changes to the existing proposed regulations. However whatever the final requirements and relevant impact...
29 May 2012 /regulation /wholesale
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