72 Results from 2010, /wholesale
Retired Member
Altogether, it’s probably good news, one just wonder about the way HSBC is measuring the ROI of its Facebook campaign, which totally amounted 120,000 £, distributed among the 8 young awarded students. My point is that the HSBC student page, which sponsored the video contest, had by yesterday 21th October 6932 Fans and one day later 6,949. By doing
22 October 2010 /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
The global financial industry is only days away from Sibos and at ACI we’re ready to go. The stand is arranged, the meetings have been set up and the events have been planned. We’ve also been giving some thought to the key themes that are being discussed throughout the week - regulation, rebuilding trust and recovery – and what they mean for the
21 October 2010 /sibos /wholesale Finextra@Sibos
In response to the FDIC's (US) request for comment on it's proposed implementation of Section 343 of Dodd Frank (unlimited deposit insurance on corporate non-interest bearing accounts), Treasury Strategies highlighted several shortcomings and offered three recommendations to mitigate some of the potentially destabilizing elements of the Act.
18 October 2010 /sibos /wholesale Treasury Management
Keith Bear Vice President, Financial Markets at IBM
Cloud models in wholesale financial services continue to get a lot of press, but fewer public references regarding value delivered, than you might expect for what many perceive as such a big game changer. In a survey we conducted with SWIFT last year, only 3% of bank respondents stated that it would have a major impact on the securities world compa...
18 October 2010 /sibos /wholesale
Last week, Credit Suisse announced the publication of the Global Wealth Report 2010. It’s an inaugural study which aims to “provide the most comprehensive study of the world wealth”. In contrast with other traditional studies more focused on the very top levels of the wealth pyramid, the 48 pages of the CS Study analyzes the distribution of 200 T...
12 October 2010 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
My first Temenos’ assignment was in Madrid. It was a very large implementation at a Spanish branch of a big Swiss Bank. Late in the evening, straight after work, most of our team used to have dinner together in any of the terraces during that incredible hot summer. It was an intense project, full of challenges, and I considered still one of my bes...
10 October 2010 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
Not much. No, seriously, really not that much. Well, that's not strictly true. I do have some beliefs and knowledge about the use of social media from a personal, professional and every day life point of view. But, you know what, I bet they are not based on experience that is longer or more nuanced than any of you. I put up a Linkedin profile arou...
08 October 2010 /sibos /wholesale Social Banks
A specialized financial publication from Geneva, AGEFI, quoted this morning a high executive from Temenos: “The integration has already begun. The strategy is already in place and a more detailed plan will be finalized by late October, the date of closing of the transaction. An interface is already available and the time before a first integrated ...
06 October 2010 /retail /wholesale
John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd
Over recent months we have seen the FSA in the UK, as well as regulators in other geographies, hit the record books with larger and more numerous fines for misconduct – e.g. for poor reporting, or handling of customer data. These fines are supposed to be a deterrent and to change the behavior of market participants. However, the increased size an
06 October 2010 /retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
The dialogue between the needs of the business groups (often widely disparate and silo'ed business groups) and the responsibilities of the enterprise IT departments can often read like a clichéd marriage guidance session: "But, he/she just doesn't understand me!?" But what if there was a road to operational nirvana? An IT infrastructure t...
05 October 2010 /wholesale
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